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"Yeah, uh..." Josh said to his friend, Brendon, who was hosting the party. "I think we're gonna head home."

"What?! Why?!"

"Ty and I haven't gotten to see each other in a while with all of our work trips," Josh said.

Brendon nodded. "I understand. You guys go have fun. Use protection."

Josh laughed, rolling his eyes. He'd been reminding Josh to use protection even back when Josh and Tyler were still dating, and now it was three years later and they were married.

He looked around for his husband, spotting him eating the snacks he brought for himself because he thought everything at the party would have drugs in it in a corner.

"Ready, baby?" Josh smiled, extending his hand out.

Tyler smiled as he saw who it was. "Yes."

The boys headed home, going inside.

"How bout you go change into sweats and meet me on the couch?" Josh asked. "I'll make us some tea."

Tyler nodded, kissing Josh's cheek.

Josh grinned widely, grabbing Tyler's arm as he started to walk away and kissing his lips.

Tyler giggled and kissed him back, eventually the two pulling away for air. He turned back around at started to go to their room, giggling as Josh smacked his butt.

Ten minutes later, he met Tyler on the couch, snuggling up with him after giving him a cup of hot tea.

They turned on the TV and watched The Office.

"I think we're cuter than Jim and Pam," Tyler said halfway through.

"I agree," Josh said. "But I think you're cuter than everyone, so that automatically makes us the cutest couple ever."

"Should we have stayed at the party?" Tyler asked.

Josh shook his head. "Nah. I'm enjoying this a lot more."

"Me too," Tyler giggled, kissing the base of Josh's cheek. "You and I will just have our own little party here. Just you and me."

"How about we have a party in bed?" Josh smirked, nibbling at Tyler's ear.

"Only if you let me bring snacks."

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