Caught in the Tub

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"Joshua," Tyler moaned softly as his husband kissed at his neck, running his fingers through Josh's hair as he straddled him in the bathtub.

Tyler pulled back so their lips were now together, the only sounds filling the room being the water and their soft hums of pleasure.

He giggled softly as he felt Josh's hands move down his back to under the water, rubbing all over Tyler's butt.

Josh smiled, gently biting Tyler's bottom lip as he pulled down on it. "So glad this room has a tub."

"I know," Tyler replied with a smile. "We haven't gotten to do something like this in ages."

Josh smiled as he continued to explore his husband's body as they kissed, Tyler's fingers twisting in Josh's hair as his husband would find a sweet spot.

"Fuck, baby," Josh mumbled softly. "It's been so long. I forgot how beautiful you are-"

Suddenly, the door to their room flew open and on came Hazel.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," the toddler hummed with a wide grin.

"O-oh, my god, Hazel," Tyler said, quickly trying to cover his and his husband's junk. "Go back to your room. Daddy will be there in a second."

"Dada nakey," Hazel observed.

Tyler's face was dark red in embarrassment, Josh just slowly sinking down, wishing he would die right then and there.

"Y-yeah, daddies a-are nakey," Tyler said. "G-good observation. N-now go to your room a-and they'll be right there, ok?"

"Okieeeeeee," Hazel hummed with a wide smile. "Hazel love youuuuuuuuu."

"Daddies love you too," Tyler said.

So Hazel was on her way, Tyler getting out of the tub.

"Wait, we're actually stopping?!" Josh asked.



"Because our kid just walked in on us!" Tyler exclaimed.


"My boner's gone down anyway."

"Mine hasn't," Josh pouted.

"How was that not traumatizing to you?!"

"It was," Josh said. "Trust me, it was. But I'm also very excited to get to see my husband naked and actually get to touch his body for the first time in months."

"I'll be back in a minute," Tyler said, kissing Josh's forehead and having to switch into daddy mode.

He made Hazel dinosaur chicken nuggets and gave her lots of fruit snacks to make her forget about the whole thing.

This would certainly be a vacation to remember, though.

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