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It all started on a sunny day in Japan during the beginning of summer. The brothers were not really doing anything today until Osomatsu suggested they go camping.

After an total number of complaints and insults...The other sextuplets finally gave in to their eldest brother's pleading (and somewhat blackmailing).

So now they all found themselves stranded in the middle of the wilderness.

At least they brought some supplies like food, water, and two tents to keep them warm.

Unlike the most of his brothers, Osomatsu was enjoying himself.

Osomatsu: Ahhhh~! Camping! Fresh air and a good camping spot~!

Jyushimatsu: YAY~! CAMPING!!!

Choromatsu: Quiet Jyushimatsu! You might attract a forest creature or something! M-Maybe even a bear!!!

Osomatsu: Chill Fappymatsu. According to the park rangers, there's no animals in these woods besides birds and squirrels.


Karamatsu: Heh. Well isn't it great to get out of the house for once and be together my brothers~~~???

Osomatsu: You got that right, Karamachu~!

The other younger brothers (Excluding Jyushimatsu) disagreed with them.

Todomatsu: NO.

Karamatsu: ...Eh? Why?

Todomatsu: Because I was forced to come here by our shitty eldest. He threaten to break my phone! He should jump in a hole and die!

Osomatsu growled at him. He pull out the pink phone and point a knife towards it.

Osomatsu: Fuck you Totty! Suck my dick!

Todomatsu gave him a glare.

Osomatsu: Say another word and the phone gets it~~~!

Todomatsu: ....(I dare you! Do it and you'll pay for it! With money!)

Ichimatsu: So loud...Keep it down...

Todomatsu: Oh right. I almost forgot he was here too~! :3

Ichimatsu made a 'tch' sound and mumbles something like: 'Dry Monster' underneath his breath.

Choromatsu: Well your idea of this camping trip does not seem to phrase me. Do you even got anything planned?

Osomatsu: Hmm...Nope~!

The other five brothers glared at him. So basically they're stuck in middle of woods with no where to go because someone had to forget the map.

Osomatsu: Hehe. Sorry guys.

Todomatsu: If we die out here, I hope you die first.

Jyushimatsu: SAME~~!

Ichimatsu: Yep....

Choromatsu: Uh-huh.

Karamatsu: Agree...

Osomatsu: You guys are so cruel to your Nii-chan~! It hurts my feelings.

Ichimatsu: Like you have feelings...

Osomatsu: The same goes for you, Emo-furry. Or maybe we should stick to calling you Darkmatsu.

Ichimatsu: Shut up.

Choromatsu: ...Anyway. We should get some more sticks for the fire. It's getting late.

Todomatsu: I'm not going in those woods! Bugs could be all over the place!

Choromatsu: Deal with it!

Ichimatsu: Too sleepy....

Choromatsu: (More like lazy...Oh wait. No. That's Osomatsu Nii-san thing.)

Choromatsu sighs to himself. He thought maybe he should go alone but that probably won't be a good idea. So he decided he going to take Osomatsu along.

Choromatsu: Oi. Shitty Eldest.

Osomatsu: Yes~~~!

Choromatsu: You. Me. Firewood. Now.

Osomatsu: Okay Sir Captain Faps-A-Lot!

The other brothers snickered while Choromatsu looked enraged.

Choromatsu: Who the hell is that?!

Todomatsu: You. :3

Osomatsu: Alright then. Does anyone else want to come with us?

Karamatsu: I coul-?!

Choromatsu: No.

Karamatsu: But-!

Choromatsu: I said NO.

Ichimatsu: Ha. No one wants to take Shittymatsu.

Todomatsu: How is he our brother again???

Ichimatsu: He shouldn't exist in the first place.


Choromatsu: Jyushimatsu?

Jyushimatsu: I think I'll stay with Ichimatsu Nii-san and the others~! HUSTLE HUSTLE MUSCLE MUSCLE!

Choromatsu: -Sighs- Fine...Come on Nii-san. Let's go.

Choromatsu made his way into the deep woods with Osomatsu following.

Osomatsu: Alright then~! See you guys in a bit~!!!

Osomatsu v.s The SkinwalkerWhere stories live. Discover now