The Shadow...

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-Choromatsu's Pov-

It's getting very late...

The sun is beginning to set which isn't good.

But on the bright side. I think we got enough sticks for the fire. That way we'll be able to see a little of the woods for the flames to brighten everything.

But still...I rather be at Nyaa-chan's next concert instead of this.

Osomatsu: Ne. Fappymatsu.

I sigh to myself. What did this idiot what now?

Me: What is it?

Osomatsu: Can you carry my side of the sticks. I'm tired.

I grew irritated with him. Seriously.

Me: We only been walking for a few minutes. Quit being lazy.

Osomatsu: But isn't it a nice thing to do as to make sure he helps his brother out~!

Me: Yes. Usually that applies for the eldest. Which you hardly don't act like you are.

He starting pouting like a child. Honestly, I should've been the eldest brother. I'm more responsible than
him and Karamatsu.

Think about it. They're both embarrassing and their idiots. It's like they lack brain power in their system.

I'm more serious. I should've gotten the role instead of them. Even our younger brothers agree.

Everything was going well as it should be but when all of sudden I noticed Osomatsu nii-san stopped walking.

I looked at him with a curious gaze and saw him looking in another direction.

What's gotten into him???

Can't he pay attention? We have to get back to camp. Though I am.a little concerned. I better go see what's wrong with him.

-Third's Pov-

Choromatsu: Osomatsu. What is it?

Osomatsu put a hand on his mouth and said:


Choromatsu: (Eh? What are you doing?!)


For some reason. Osomatsu was trying to tell Choromatsu something that he couldn't understand. His lips weren't moving and no words were coming out.

However, his eyes were bulge and wide.

Then he spoke silently as Choromatsu finally got the message.


Choromatsu looks into the direction where Osomatsu was staring at.

Then the third brother's eyes went wide as well...

Beyond the near the trees and bushes...

There was a shadow figure...

Choromatsu: (WHAT THE-?!!)

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Choromatsu: (WHAT THE-?!!)


There was someone here in these woods with them.

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