All Hope Is Lost...

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A/N: Continuation after Todomatsu pulls the trigger. The bad end...

-Osomatsu's Pov-

Why does life hurt so much...?

This pain...

It's eating me alive...

We lost...

I can't believe it...

I thought we were going to survive...

But it was too late...

I couldn't stop it...

It beat us...

The Skinwalker...

Now it got what it wanted...

It made us suffered.

Turned us aganist one another.

Karamatsu and Choromatsu were the first to die...

I regretted so much as to not doing anything to stop their deaths.

Their deaths hit me the hardest.

Before I even knew it...I snapped.

I blame Totty and Ichi for killing them.

So what did you think I did after...?


I got my revenge...

I killed them...

I killed Ichi and Totty with my own hands...

Ichimatsu was the first target on my mind...

I had to get rid of him first...

He killed Karamatsu...So I choked him to death.

Little Darkmatsu wasn't able to put up much of a fight...

It looked like he had just given up and accepted his fate.

I wanted him to suffered...

Before I even knew it...some strength was coursing through my veins...


Then I broke his neck...

Blood came from his wounds as it stained my red hoodie.

I left the trash to die on the floor....

Because Todomatsu was next.

The look in his eyes were nothing but fear as he pleaded for his life.


He doesn't deserve it.

I grabbed the gun and point it at his crying face before pulling the trigger.


It was only me and Jyushimatsu left...

However, he didn't last long as I thought he would.

That smile...

That damn smile...

It irritates me to the core...

So I got rid of it...

Once and for all...

Jyushimatsu's once smiling figure was nothing more but a splattered corpse on the ground with his brain matter everywhere...


I did it...

They're gone...

They're all gone...

All hope for us is lost....

I'm the only one whose left...

Alone...So Alone...

I feel so empty...

But why don't I feel guilty...?

I just killed the rest of my younger brothers...

Do I lack empathy now or whatever?


I didn't care no more...

Should I curse God to putting me through hell...?

To such a fate where I'll never recover from again...

I went for the door...

And opened it up...

To look to see the devil watching me...

Beckoning me to come closer....

It's All Over...

???:...You're Mine Now....

The Madness consumed me...

My gone...


News Report

Sextuplets found murdered in outskirts of the woods at the Akatsuka Ward. The bodies were identified by the Matsuno Family as Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu. However, grieving parents and close friends said that the eldest brother Osomatsu Matsuno is still missing.

Everyone begin to view him as a suspect and begin to search for him in the woods.

The only trace police could be able to find of the eldest brother was a tattered bloody red hoodie.

Osomatsu Matsuno's whereabouts remain unknown to this day...


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