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Osomatsu: It followed us here...

They were trapped...

Trapped like mice in the mouse trap, the brothers' expression turned to panic and horror.

Choromatsu: What are we going to do???

Osomatsu: I...I don't know.

Todomatsu: Well think of something!

Osomatsu: What do you want me to do Totty?!

Todomatsu: Well you're the eldest brother!

Osomatsu: Don't you think I know that! But I don't know what to do!

Todomatsu:...Tsk. Some help.

Osomatsu: Well I don't see you coming up with any ideas!

Todomatsu: That's because it's Choromatsu nii-san's job!

Choromatsu: Hah?! So now I'm in this conversation you dry demon?!

Todomatsu: Don't call me that!

Karamatsu: B-Brothers...Please calm down.

Ichimatsu: Oh Great. Now Shittymatsu wants to be in charge.

Karamatsu: I-I never said that...

Ichimatsu: Tch. Good excuse. Quit trying to act cool.

Karamatsu: .......Does it even want something from us?!

Osomatsu: Idek...Maybe.

*Knock* *Knock *Knock*

They all scattered away from the door.

Jyushimatsu: Who is it??? :D

Choromatsu: You dumbass!!! Now it knows we're definitely here!

Todomatsu: I'm scared...

Ichimatsu: Shit...We're screwed...I knew someday I will die like this.

Choromatsu: No time for your negative outputs!

Ichimatsu glared at him while Choromatsu started throwing a fit.

Choromatsu: Oh God...! If you're really up there...please save me...

While Choromatsu was praying for his life to be saved. Osomatsu looked at the door. He knows it's locked but will it stay that way for long...?

Osomatsu: It's a sturdy door...So I hope it will stay that way for long until we find a way out...

He walks towards the door to check on it but was stopped in his tracks when he heard Karamatsu scream.


Osomatsu:...I...wasn't gonna...

Karamatsu: Just...making sure...

Osomatsu: We should be safe in here so it's cool Kara~!


Choromatsu and Todomatsu we're both breathing heavily due to being frightened.

Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu were least a yard away from the door, both fearing that it might open to reveal the hideous creature on the other side.

Osomatsu: Totty.

Todomatsu looked up at him.

Todomatsu: Yes?

Osomatsu: Use your phone! Try to call for help.

Todomatsu: Okay! Why didn't I think of that?!

The youngest brother took his phone back from Osomatsu. He begin to call for help.

The others were wondering what help will show up for them.

Police? Park Rangers? The Army perhaps?

Choromatsu:....No wait. That last one is just silly...Why the army?

He got a point there...


Jyushimatsu: Totty... What's wrong?

Todomatsu:....My phone... It has no reception!!!!

The other brothers started panicking more.

No reception means no help.

Ichimatsu: Shit! Fucking SHIT!

Karamatsu:...Which means...We might not be able to get outta here...

Choromatsu: Especially with that thing outside!

To add more unpleasant emotions, the brothers heard something smash coming outside.

Then...The lights went out in the cabin.


Osomatsu: Totty!

Todomatsu ran into the bedrooms to hide.

The other brothers remained outside until Choromatsu said something to get their attention.

Choromatsu: I'll go check up on him...

Osomatsu: O-Okay...You do that.

Karamatsu: We'll stay out there and keep an eye on the door.

Choromatsu: Right...

Choromatsu went into the bedroom to locate their scared brother.

Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu stayed near the dining room.

The two older brothers look back at the door. Whatever was out there... Definitely wasn't going to leave them alone.

It was dangerous...

It was horrifying...

It was a threat...

It was going to get inside one way or another...

Karamatsu: Osomatsu...

Osomatsu: Yeah...?

Karamatsu:...Are we going to die here...?

Osomatsu felt the words hit him like a brick? Will they die here? If that thing gets inside...Will that be the end of them...?

It is a possiblity...That they are all going to die tonight...

At the hands of an dreadful entity that has to power to lead their demise....

Osomatsu: I...don't know Karamatsu
...I don't know...

Osomatsu v.s The SkinwalkerWhere stories live. Discover now