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Like Confucis would say, It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them...

But what about your own family...?

Can you really trust anyone in your family.

Especially...If they were actually an imposter. Pretending to be the person you once knew...

Because that's how Osomatsu and the others felt when they looked at Ichimatsu in the corner.

Was that really Ichimatsu...?

Ichimatsu: Hah?! Why are you looking at me! I'm telling you! That's not me outside! Are you guys that stupid?!

He wasn't sure why he gave a shit. It wasn't like he'd be alive and kicking long enough to see himself and the others all die soon at the hands of this creature that was now posing as him.

Choromatsu: But how did we know you're really 'Ichimatsu'?

So now they can't trust him...? Of all times, including with the ways he always misbehave, why now?

Ichimatsu: Well duh. We all grew up together in the same fucking house and we don't have jobs because were shitty NEETs! Does that qualify at the questions you need?!

Choromatsu: Lucky guess but can we really trust you...?

Ichimatsu:.....Well I don't trust myself sometimes...

Jyushimatsu got in the way to protect Ichimatsu from the others.

Jyushimatsu: He is Ichimatsu Nii-san! Because he isn't honest with himself! Ichimatsu Nii-san always speak cold and cynical but on the inside, he cares about us!

Ichimatsu started sputtering in embarrassment.

Ichimatsu: S-Shut up Jyushimatsu!

Osomatsu looked at Karamatsu and Choromatsu, who almost look close to having doubts wheter or not this guy was actually Ichimatsu.

However, all their doubts were soon washed away when the 'Ichimatsu' continuing pounding on the door.

Ichimatsu: LET ME IN! LET ME IN!

Then the voice started to get deep which made the brothers realized their mistakes.


The pounding continued as the voice got deeper and deeper u til it sounded demonic til the point where it no longer sounded like Ichimatsu at all... stopped...





Ichimatsu:....Is it gone?

Karamatsu: I-I think so...

They been hoodwinked...

The monster was indeed toying with them...

Trying to pose as one brother to another in order to try to get into the cabin.

Choromatsu sighs as he wiped the sweat off his face. They all needed to apologise to Ichimatsu for doubting him. But that can wait when this is all over...

Because their problems weren't through yet...

After the departure of the creature, the atmosphere in the cabin begins to get weirder...

Suddenly, a wave of nausea appeared among the brothers...

Osomatsu was the only not affected yet...But his brothers...

Karamatsu was on the ground.

Osomatsu went over to him.

Osomatsu: Are you okay...?

Karamatsu:....I don't feel so good...

The wave was getting stronger....

It was consuming them...

Osomatsu then noticed Todomatsu comign out from the room holding his head.

Osomatsu: Totty! You're supposed to be in bed!

However, for some reason, Todomatsu wasn't listening as it looked like he was suffering from a splitting headache.

Todomatsu: AHHHH! It hurts! It hurts!

Osomatsu felt his heart being twist in two as he watch his brothers suffered.

Osomatsu: (What the fuck?! Just what the fuck?!)

Choromatsu was trying his best to not throw up from motion sickness.

Ichimatsu was ready to die and Jyushimatsu...well he couldn't move anymore...


Osomatsu: (I can't...take it anymore...I'm too tired...)

Osomatsu was soon affected too like his brothers.

Osomatsu walks towards the bedroom while holding his head and goes into the covers.

Before he fell asleep, he looked outside the window to see the creature watching him again...this time, on top in one of the trees.

The nausea won as Osomatsu lost consciousness...

Osomatsu v.s The SkinwalkerWhere stories live. Discover now