This Time It's Different...

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-Osomatsu's Pov-

When I came too...Everything was a blur...

I couldn't see anything yet...

Not the night sky...

Not my little brothers...

Nothing but total darkness...

However...It didn't stay that way for long...

I feel myself on the grass...

I was out of the car somehow...


I felt something closed to me...

Staring at me...

When my vision finally cleared up...

I looked at what was next to me...

Oh how I wish I didn't...

Oh how I wish I didn't

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It was looking at me...

It was right next to me...

Just staring into my soul...

I couldn't move...I couldn't run...

This was it...

I was going to die...

My brothers weren't going to save me now...

Are they alright...? Are they dead and I'm the only one who survived the car crash????

I felt powerless...

I failed...

I failed at protecting them...

Now I'm going to die...

At the hands of this fucking monster...

It continues to stare...

Stop fucking staring at me...

Go on ahead. Do it. I'm right here!

Get what you want!

I couldn't say anything though...My voice was just...gone...

Suddenly, it spoke again...

This time...It was mimicking all of our voices....


The fuck...? Gross...

I want to be you.

It continues to repeat those words...Over and over again...

I continued to hear my brother's voices from it...

From Karamatsu to Todomatsu...

Then...My voice...

I love you.

Osomatsu v.s The SkinwalkerWhere stories live. Discover now