We All Fall Down...

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-Osomatsu's Pov-


I really fucked up...

I think I just made my own brothers angry at me...

More than they should...


I wasn't thinking straight...

Now they probably hate me after all I said and done to them...

If Karamatsu was awake right now...

He would probably punched me...Like last time when I threw an temper tantrum. Especially when I kicked Jyushimatsu that day...

I don't think he forgave me for that even though Jyushimatsu did...


I look at his body in the covers...

He's sleeping...

He's alright...

He's just sleeping...

Don't worry Kara buddy...

Everythings going to be alright...I fix it...I'll fix all this...Like a good older brother should...

Just you watch...Then you'll finally acknowledge me as your older brother.

When you wake up. You go back to being your painful self and I'll make sure the others will apologize for everything we did to you.

You'll be fine...Everything will be fine.

I look back at your really...cold...pale...
bluish face...

He's sleeping...He's fine.

-Choromatsu's Pov-

I'm a failure...

Osomatsu was right.

I can't do anything right...

Even though I tried my hardest but look where it got us...

Trapped in a cabin with a monster in the loose.

Karamatsu Nii-san tried to kill himself...

Is he...really dead...or is he alive???

I don't know!

Ichimatsu was in the corner again refusing to talk to anyone...Including Jyushimatsu.

Jyushimatsu was a mess and Totty...Well it looks like he can't trust any of us...

We all are falling apart...

I'm trying my best here...

But it's not good enough...



They don't need you...

You don't need them...





-Ichimatsu's Pov-


That's all I am...

Worthless piece of trash that should just burn and die.

Osomatsu Nii-san hates me...

Karamatsu Nii-san is pretty much dead because of me.

The others are off in their own worlds...

We're gonna die...

You killed your brother...

You abused him the most...

You pathetic piece of trash.

Go kill yourself.

....Why bother trying to survive...

Maybe I should just die...Like Karamatsu did...


Stop smiling...?

Should I really...?

But I thought they like it when I smile....

So I stop smiling...?

Then who will be try to be cheerful for everyone else....?

They HATE me for smiling...

Wipe that damn smile off your face.

It's irritating.




Stop smiling.

No...I can't give up...Please I want to help...Please let me help you guys...

-Todomatsu's Pov-

I don't need anyone...

Who cares if they're hurt.

I'm hurt.

I'm better than everyone of them.

I'm cute. I'm social. My friends like me.

Totty's a good boy.

I'm a good boy.

Stop Lying...

Everything about you is lies.

You're not cute.

You're Horrible...


You bitch about everything that doesn't go your way.

Because of you, one of your brothers is dead and here you are claiming you don't need him or anyone else.

You're so powerless...

You call yourself a boy???


.....For once, I think I do need my brothers...

I'm so weak...I can't even do anything without them...

They're my only survival now...




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