We're Leaving!!!!

334 5 75

-Jyushimatsu's Pov-


Karamatsu Nii-san is awake!

I wanted to go hug him so bad and apologize for everything that we did to him! Then we can leave this horrible place!

But...something stop me in my tracks before I could even do anything...

There was this weird dark aurora around him...



Osomatsu: Karamatsu?

Karamatsu: Brothers...?

The way he spoke...

For some reason...I don't like this at all...

Karamatsu: Brothers...I'm gald you're alright.

Todomatsu: Thank Goodness you're awake Karamatsu Nii-san! We found a way out and we're leaving.

Karamatsu Nii-san made a small smile and nodded.

The aurora around him increases.

Something is not right...

Choromatsu: We found a malevolent trapdoor which lead us to a car inside a garage which I still don't think make any sense.

Osomatsu: But oh well now that Karamatsu's awake. Let's go!

Karamatsu Nii-san nods as he walked closer to us.

I noticed something off about him...

His eyes...

They weren't in their usual shade and his neck...

What...?! Where is the...?!!!

...Oh no...

Todomatsu: Jysuhimatsu Nii-san?

Ichimatsu: Oi. You alright?


Everyone flinched at me as I screamed at him.

Karamatsu: W-What are you talking about my little Jyushimatsu.


I knew it wasn't him...

This wasn't him...!

It was that thing!!!

Ichimatsu: Jyushimatsu!

Osomatsu: What's gotten into you?

Me: Guys! Get away from him! That's not Karamatsu Nii-san!

My other brothers gasped before looking the 'Karamatsu' imposter who looked confused.

Karamatsu: W-What are you talking about Jyushimatsu. I am Karamatsu.

Me: No. You're not.

'Karamatsu' made a frown at me. This wasn't him. This wasn't my brother!

Todomatsu: How could we be sure if it's really you?

'Karamatsu' made a smile.

Karamatsu: Well. We are brothers. And I know my brothers love me...We all care about each other.

We all stayed silent until Ichimatsu laughed.

Ichimatsu: That's bullshit. Last time I remembered. Shittymatsu tried to commit suicide. Remember?

Karamatsu's eyes went wide and nodded. For some reason, he looked hesitate.

Karamatsu: W-Well yes. I did. But I recovered.

Osomatsu v.s The SkinwalkerWhere stories live. Discover now