We're Not Alone...

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Both Osomatsu and Choromatsu stare ahead at what seems to be the silhouette figure of a man.

But they couldn't really tell...

They weren't really sure if the man could even see them or not.

Choromatsu: So...who is that? A stranger...?

Osomatsu: Seems so....Or maybe it's the others.

Choromatsu: Maybe...

Osomatsu: I'll try to call out to the guy.

Choromatsu: B-Be careful...(For some reason. This doesn't seem like a good idea.)

Osomatsu crept towards the shadow only stopping at least a yard away.

Osomatsu: Hey! Anyone there? Karamatsu?

The figure did not move.

Osomatsu: Ichimatsu? Todomatsu?

Still no answer...

Osomatsu: J-Jysuhimatsu??? Is that you?

........Not even a muscle or a hustle...

Choromatsu: O-Osomatsu...I think we need to go...


Choromatsu: Osomatsu? Nii-san?

The eldest matsuno brother was in such a shock that his entire body felt paralyzed.

He couldn't even move...

He tries to get a glimpse of the shadow...

He couldn't see the face...

Not even the eyes...

He also felt something he never he would feel in such a long time....


He hasn't felt this way since the whole 'Tougou' Incident when he was a kid...

Suddenly the figure begins to move...

Towards them!

Choromatsu: Nii-san! Wake up! We have to go!

Osomatsu finally jolted back to life and began to back away slowly, keeping his eyes on the shadow that made it ways towards him and Choromatsu.

Choromatsu: Come On!!!

Then the both of them broke into a run!

Not looking back, they sprint straight ahead in acceleration as the footsteps of the shadow became more and more faint.

It was no longer following them...

They continued running until they were able to get back to camp before the sun finally set and the night was shown.

Jyushimatsu: They're here~~~!

Todomatsu: There you are! What kept ya?

Karamatsu: Yeah an-! Hey...Are you two alright? You look exhausted?

Both Osomatsu and Choromatsu were out of breath.

Tired, Osomatsu lays the stick into the fire.

Ichimatsu:....Did something happened?

Choromatsu: W-What?! No! Of course not! R-Right Osomatsu!

Osomatsu: ...Y-Yeah. Right.


Todomatsu: They probably got scared of small forest creature and ran. I wish I there to see it. If I had my phone...I would've posted it online. :3

Osomatsu: Shut up Totty... You don't know anything.

Todomatsu rolled his eyes and went back to poking the sticks into the fire.

Karamatsu gave Osomatsu an concerned look.

Karamatsu: Osomatsu. Did something happen while you two were in the woods?

Osomatsu: Oh nothing! Everything is fine Kara-buddy. We just got a little spooked that's all.


Osomatsu: Yeah~!


Meanwhile, Ichimatsu was watching Osomatsu and Choromatsu's movements.

He noticed the way they were sweating and he could tell from their faces.

It's looks like they were scared...

Scared of whom? That's the question Ichimatsu wanted to know.

And top it all of that, Choromatsu did not have his sticks he was supposed to bring.

But he doesn't have them.

Now that didn't seem right.

Choromatsu always claim he's responsible and would get the job done...Even if it's halfway.

But...Choromatsu did not have the sticks?

But OSOMATSU himself did???

It also looks like whatever spooked him, made Choromatsu drop whatever he was doing and run away, scared.

Ichimatsu: (They're hiding something. What did they see???)

Choromatsu: Anyway. It's dark now. We should get ready for bed.

Jyushimatsu: Awwww.

Todomatsu: Fine.

Ichimatsu: At least I'm not sharing a tent with Shittymatsu.

Karamatsu flinched but didn't say anything.

Choromatsu: Well then...Night everybody.

Osomatsu: Night guys.

They all said their goodnights and went towards their tents.

The older matsus were sharing one tent while the younger ones had the other.

In both Osomatsu and Choromatsu's minds. They both secretly hope with what they saw in the woods was a figment of their imagination.

But little did they know...

What they encounter in the woods...

Has some unfinished business with them...

While unknown to the other brothers...


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