Gaining Hope!!!

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Osomatsu was still in the living room with four out of five of his brothers explaining to them what a skinwalker is.

Choromatsu: So you mean to tell me that thing that's chasing us is a skinwalker?

Todomatsu: Now that I think about it. I have seen some reports about the creature over the news. It's mostly seen in woods, ranches, or other places at night time.

Osomatsu: According to these profiles, It also has the ability to transform into one of us. That would explain how Karamatsu thought that thing was Totty hours ago...

Todomatsu shuddered at the thought of something wearing his face. He did not need to be reminded of that scene.

Ichimatsu: It looks like there also been witnesses. We're not the first people to see it.

Choromatsu: Yeah...But it's a little peculiar to see such a creature here in Japan.

Jyushimatsu: Why Choromatsu Nii-san??

Choromatsu: Because most of the witnesses claim they see a skinwalker located in America...Why would one be here in Japan?

Osomatsu: Who knows...

Ichimatsu: The only way to get avoid it is to find a way out of this hellhole...

Todomatsu: Why wait...Why can't we leave now?

Osomatsu: Cause think about it Totty. This thing is dangerous. It's faster than we are. If we try to run, it could ambush us.

Todomatsu: (Damn...I hate it when he's right...) So you guys got any ideas how to escape the creature?

Choromatsu: Is your phone working now. We could call for help.

Todomatsu checked his phone and shook his head.

Todomatsu: Still no signal...

Ichimatsu: We're doomed.

Osomatsu: Guys. We need to stay positive. There should be something around here that could help us. Right Choro~?

However, Osomatsu noticed the green hoodie wearing brother not in his place anymore.

Osomatsu: Fappymatsu?

He then noticed the brother coming out from the bedroom had something in his hand.

Choromatsu: What luck!! You guys never believed what I found!

Jyushimatsu: A DILDO?!

Choromatsu: No Jyushimatsu! Just...Ugh...A small radio. It was under the bed when I went in the room to check on Karamatsu.

Todomatsu eyes lit up with hope.

Todomatsu: So that means...we can get help?!

Choromatsu: Yep!

Osomatsu: Then what are we waiting for! Turn it on Fappymatsu! It probably still works.

Choromatsu sat the radio down on the table and plugged it in. He turns on the radio from its buttons and immediately begin to call for help.

Choromatsu: SOS! SEND HELP!

???: Huh? Whose this?!

Choromatsu: Oh Thank God! Are you the park ranger?! We need your help! There's something in these woods with us!

???: Whoa whoa! Hold on kid! Yes I'm the park ranger. What are you talking about!?

Choromatsu wanted to say a skinwalker was following them. But then he thought the ranger wouldn't believe him. So he had to tell a little white lie.

Choromatsu: There's someone or something that's followed us in the woods from our campsite. We're stuck in an abadoned cabin and one of our brothers is sick. We need your help. We think he could be dying!!!Please come to the cabin in the outskirts of the woods. Bring a gun just in case! Please help us! Help! HELP!!!

???: Okay! We'll send someone down there. Stay where you all are.

Choromatsu said 'okay' and got off the radio.

The brothers felt like they wanted to cheer.

Help was on the way.

Hope filled all of them.


Just maybe...

This could be their way out of this mess...

Or is it...?

Osomatsu v.s The SkinwalkerWhere stories live. Discover now