The Meet

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Annika was sitting in her office looking at some presentations sent to her. She rolled her eyes as she edited the presentations. Is there anything that people can do properly? , she thought.
Deeply absorbed in her work she didn't realise her phone ringing. Her receptionist Meeta ,knocked at the door thrice before Annika looked up from her work. She beckoned Meeta to come in. 'Well, Meeta I assume you have a pretty good reason to disturb my work'. Meeta who was used to these hard words from her said mechanically, 'Ma'am, Mr.Rajesh Sharma , the owner of Sharma Group and Co. had been trying to speak to you from the past one hour but you didn't receive his calls hence he told me to give you the message that he would like to see you at his house today. He mentioned it was urgent'
Thank you Meeta , you may leave now.
Annika thought , Mr.Sharma was on No.1 position on the Forbes magazine from the past ten years. His company was worth billions and if he wanted to meet her then it was once in a life time opportunity. She couldn't let it go.
She called Arjun and asked him to shift all her meetings to tomorrow. Then she made a call to Mr.Sharma. She was breathing rapidly with excitement as this could the best deal she had made in these years. As she heard a deep 'Hello' from the other end of the reciever. She took a deep breath and spoke in a clear and cool voice 'Mr.Sharma , this is Annika Mehrotra here. I believe you wanted to speak to me'
'Yes I did Ms. Mehrotra. I understand you are very busy. Your work is well known. I would like to propose a business deal to you.So if you could meet me at the earliest I would be pleased' said Rajesh
'Mr.Sharma , I can meet you today if you want.' said Annika.
'That would be wonderful. So can I expect you to come at two in the afternoon? I will message you the address' said Rajesh
I look forward to meeting you Mr. Sharma said Annika and with that she hung up the phone.

Annika beamed at herself in the mirror in her office. Success was wrapping it self around her and it pleased her. People were foolish to be happy in love or happy with their relatives. The real happiness lay in money and power. Annika fixed her makeup and brushed her hair and walked outside. She gave Meeta  a note which had instructions for her employees till she returned.

Mr.Sharma's House

Annika waited in the round hall for Mr.Sharma. There she saw someone else waiting for him as well. She ignored him and sat down on the brown couch and helped herself to a magazine. From the corner of her eye she saw that the man was looking at her. She closed her magazine and looked at him as well. She recognised him as Shivaay Singh Oberoi or the wrecked business man as she called him. Shivaay came forwards now and held out his hand  and said , 'Ms Mehrotra, what a surprise to meet you here'
She looked at him with a look that you associate with while looking at a little piece of dirt. She nodded and said 'Mr.Oberoi'. She didn't take his outstretched hand.Shivaay put away his hand. He said 'I had been wanting to talk to you for a long time and since we both are waiting here maybe we could do the talking now'
Annika said nothing so Shivaay continued.
'I was thinking whether you would be interested in being a co owner of my company. The power would be in your hands. A 49-50% deal. And since you haven't yet conquered the real estate market I was thinking this would be a good idea. The truth is , my company is going down every day and I need a kickstart. If nothing happens within a few days then me and my family will be doomed' He said this very fast and in an extremely pleading voice.He was looking at her on tenterhooks for a positive reaction.
Annika stared at him for a long time and said finally, 'Mr.Oberoi I would like to say that I am not in the very least tempted by this generous offer of yours , if I have to conquer the real estate sector then you would be the last person I would like to deal with. You are the best example of how to ruin a successful company and I don't like to mix with failures. It doesn't compliment my work in any way. I would suggest you take your pleas to someone else. Maybe another failed company. I honestly don't wish to discuss this further. And I think you are lucky you met me today , otherwise you would have waited for two weeks for nothing. Have a good day Mr.Oberoi'.
She got up to meet Mr.Sharma as his assistant had called for her.

Shivaay looked at her in shock. Never had he been refused a deal before. His natural charm and polished words along with his wonderful eye for business had ensured him every deal. Annika's words were like slap on his face. Anger filled his head but in the anger he couldn't help but admire her attitude and her beauty.

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