She is Perfect

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Shivaay's face had a mixture of emotions on his face. There was pity, sorrow and anger. Annika saw all those emotions on his face and didn't even stop the tears flowing from her eyes. Her tears and blood both were flowing thick and fast now. The mutterings got louder now. Annika heard 'Unbelievable, Eww, Shucks,disgusting , fraud, dirty , illegitimate' from the people sitting in the hall.The ones sitting beside Annika got up and gave her the dirtiest of looks.Annika didn't even look at them. Her eyes were just stuck on Shivaay. Nobody noticed the blood on the floor because of the darkness in the hall. Suddenly a loud voice roared in the hall saying 'ENOUGH'. Annika saw Shivaay was at the podium with the mic in his hand. He looked angry and serious.His voice was loud and hard unlike his soft and kind voice. He said
'Enough. No one will say anything anymore now. Nobody will move till I finish what I have to say. So , Annika Mehrotra is just Annika.It came as a shock to me just as it came to you all. But did she really want a fake family name ? I don't think so. She had to get a surname because the society doesn't see you with respect unless you have one. So it was her mother's fault then? Well, no it wasn't. What she did for her living was not something that people choose to do out of choice. They do it out of helplessness. They do it because sometimes they don't have any other choice. But we don't see it that way do we? We see only what we want to see. It's so easy for us to judge people without knowing their circumstances. Today when you got to know Annika's truth not one of you thought of what all she has achieved on her own steam. None of you thought how difficult it was for her to fight these situations and make a position in the society that will make people look up at her. She fought every thing all on her own. She become the best business woman and set an example for others to follow. We never appreciate a persons hard work and their achievements but we are the first ones to look at ones flaws. Annika is like a lamp who spreads happiness in every life and lightens people's lives but unfortunately the lamp burns itself in the process and the same has happened with Annika today because of her past. We should care about what she does in her present and not what she had to face in the past. Ask yourselves once that despite having a family name could you have achieved even half the things that Annika has.I am proud to be Annika's friend. She is perfect for me. She has scars and each of them tell a story of a great warrior.And if anyone disagrees with me , please do come up
and make your point.'

Every one was silent. Nobody spoke a word against Shivaay. Some nodded in agreement with Shivaay's views, some were embarrassed and others were still absorbing what all had happened then.

Annika heard the whole speech and at the end of it she just whispered 'Shivaay'weakly and passed out. Her breathing became shallow her body became limp. But her heart which was thumping weakly was rejoicing at Shivaays words. She wanted to smile and hug him but her body didn't allow her to.
Then Shivaay said 'Annika Mehrotra, now please come up and receive your well deserved award.'
Annika didn't get up. Shivaay announced her name again but got no response. Arjun came from behind and shook Annika and saw she was motionless. He screamed at Shivaay and said 'Sir, Annika ma'am is not conscious.'

Shivaay jumped from the podium and came to Annika. The lights came on and everyone saw Annika and the pool of blood beneath her. Shivaay looked at her with bloodshot eyes and without any further debates picked her up and went out. On his way he just constantly murmured to Annika 'You can't give up so soon. I won't let you. You can't leave me now.'

Will Shivaay be able to save Annika or will he lose her forever?
So I know it was a short update but I didn't have time. Next one will be longer. Do vote and comment. Lots of love.

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