Confessions And Complications

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Annika lay in the hospital bed for the rest of the night alone. Arjun knocked at midnight and said 'Ma'am I got you something to eat apart from that hospital food.' Annika smiled and called him in. She said 'Arjun , I am very touched at your loyalty. You got to know such a harsh truth about me yet you continue to work for me. Had it been someone else , he/she would have left immediately.'
Arjun said 'Ma'am you gave me work and a place to stay when I needed it the most. How can I desert you? And Shivaay sir's speech was also a reason I didn't leave you.'
Annika sighed and said 'Yes , Shivaay. He is truly extraordinary.'
Arjun noticed that while Annika said this her eyes were misty.
Arjun said 'Ma'am if I maybe allowed to say , why don't you tell him ?'
Annika said 'Tell whom and what ?'
Arjun hid a smile and said 'Tell Shivaay that you have feelings for him.'
Annika said 'Arjun are you out of your mind ? I don't have feelings for him. He is just a friend. And I am getting married to Abhimanyu.'
Arjun said 'If you didn't have feelings for him then why did you tear up thinking about him. You teared up because you are helpless at the moment because you have to get married. Call of the marriage ma'am.'
Annika said in a choked voice 'Fine, I do have feelings for him. I have strong feelings for him. But how do I know he will reciprocate. Arjun, for my entire life I have stayed away from love because that's what suits me. I know love has the power to hurt and break you. I can't bear getting hurt again. So let this story end here. Let me get married as planned. It will be like a deal and honestly deals are the only thing I understand. I know that power and position can never hurt me because they have never betrayed me. I was alone and will always remain so.'
Arjun said 'But ma'am we all need someone.'
Annika said 'I don't. And drop this discussion here Arjun. You get some rest too.'
Annika closed her eyes and Arjun understood it as a sign of his dismissal.
Arjun closed the door and Annika opened her eyes and looked at the hospital ceiling and thought of all the times that she and Shivaay had spent and the things Shivaay had done for her. She murmured 'I.. L..Love Y...You Shivaay. I do. But I can't listen to my heart. I don't want to lose what we have and nor do I want to break myself into a thousand pieces again.'
She kept staring at the ceiling till she fell asleep.
The next day Annika got discharged and Shivaay was there to help her. The doctor told Shivaay to take care of her and Shivaay said 'I will.'
Annika heard this and gulped down the lump in her throat. Shivaay took her hand and helped her get in the car and they left for Annika's home. Shivaay saw her to her door and then said 'Annika, I will meet you after some time. I need to go home.'
Annika said 'You didn't go home yesterday ?'
Shivaay said 'No, how could I leave you alone. So I need to leave now.'
Annika nodded and thought 'Why is he being so nice ? Why is he making everything more difficult for me than it already is.'
Annika went to her room and asked Arjun to give her the scheduled meetings.
Arjun said 'Ma'am the doctor has advised complete rest for you for the next whole week. I have spoken to everyone and they are more concerned about your health. So no meeting for a week.'
Annika said 'This is ridiculous. I can't stay idle for a whole week.'
She thought for a minute and said 'When Shivaay comes ask him to start the wedding preparations. I will get married this week. Call the Sharma's and tell them. Since it's my week off I will just use it in this.'
Arjun said 'Ma'am but now ?'
Annika said firmly 'Yes now and don't argue now. Go get everything organised.'
Arjun knew it was fruitless to argue. Annika thought 'The sooner this marriage gets over the sooner I will get rid of Shivaay. Otherwise my feelings will just keep on growing and may lead to some disaster.'

Shivaay reached the Oberoi Mansion with just one thought in his mind 'Tej And Tia will witness their doomsday today.'
He went in and shouted 'Mr.Oberoi... Tia'
Tej came out and said in a disgruntled tone 'Why are you shouting in the morning? And where were you yesterday night ?'
Shivaay calmed himself and said in a steely cold voice 'Mr.Oberoi how dare you ? How dare you plan such a disgusting thing against Annika ? And where is that partner of yours?'
Tej said 'Don't speak to me that way. I did it because Tia's father was my best friend. I had to avenge his imprisonment . And also because the position that Annika holds today was mine once. I wanted it back. And Shivaay everything is fair in business.'

Shivaay spat and said 'No it isn't . Playing with someone's feelings is not fair. And who are you to dig in her personal affairs? She has earned the position that she holds today. You have no right to snatch it from her. And your best friend is a fraudster for your information.'
Suddenly Tia's shrill voice came from behind 'What is Annika to you that you are so concerned for her. She is nothing but a tramp who happened to get lucky. And who knows what she had done before being a businesswoman. Maybe she did carry forward her mothers business because that's what she can do.'
Shivaay screamed 'ENOUGH SAID'. He went near to Tia and said in a dangerous voice 'Don't you dare spill filth on Annika. I don't care what she did or didn't do in her past but I will not let a good for nothing girl like you speak against her.Thank your stars Tia Mullick that you are a girl otherwise I wouldn't have stopped myself. And speaking of what Annika is to me , she is my EVERYTHING. You get that straight in your head. Hurting her is like hurting me and when someone hurts me, my anger can make even hell freeze.'
Tej said 'If you have such a problem Shivaay with our ways and you are ready to go against us then leave this house. Because unlike the Oberoi Empire, the Oberoi Mansion is still under my name so I can throw you out whenever I feel like it.'
Shivaay looked mutinous and said 'Fine'
Tej said 'And if you are leaving take that dirty blooded sister of yours too.'
Shivaay said 'Fine , if this is what it has come to I will be happy to leave because I can't live with you all anymore anyway. But mark my words one day you will regret this decision.'

With that Shivaay went up and packed his and Mri's bags.

Where will Shivaay go now? Tell me how you liked this update. Lots of love.

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