The End of Everything?

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Destruction , Friendship, Broken , Shivaay..these words kept ringing inside Annika's head in the voice of Tia. She shivered not just because of the cold but by the thought of what would happen if Tia actually did what she had threatened to. Shivaay came out from his room and said 'Annika , why are you still standing here? Didn't I ask you to come inside?

Annika said 'Hmm, Huh' absentmindedly.
Shivaay looked concerned at her response and went to her and put a hand on her shoulder and said 'Annika are you all right ?'

Annika jumped at his touch. She said 'Oh it's you.'
Shivaay said 'You don't look alright. What's the matter?'
Annika said 'Nothing. Everything is fine.' She scratched her forehead with a finger and said 'I should probably go now. I need to get to the office.' She turned her back at Shivaay before he could say anything. Shivaay shouted and said 'Annika , just remember what I said about the 22nd of June.'
Annika stopped dead in her tracks and turned around and stammered 'Tweennnty Sssecond?'
Shivaay said 'Yes, I told you that I will pick you up at seven on that day for the award function, Remeber ?'.

Annika looked aghast and remembered Tia's threat 'Save the date Annika, 22nd June,your destruction'

Annika wanted to get out of the Oberoi Mansion as soon as possible. She mumbled yes to Shivaay and hurried out.
She drove her car back home instead of her office. She rushed in and closed the door of her room and rummaged her secret drawer. She found her mom's letter and the affidavit of her fake name. She hugged them and thought 'If this comes out, I will be ruined. Nobody will ever understand me. Nobody will ever ask me why I did this. I will just be a liar for everyone. My hard work of ten years will just vanish in a day. An...An...And Shivaay , the only friend I have had in ten years will leave me forever. And I know Tia , she wasn't making fake claims. She will do what she said and I can't stop it.'
She read her mother's letter again and thought 'I can't see my own destruction with my own eyes. I have only one way out now. I will wait till twenty second and then execute my plan. After all , I am my mothers child. This runs in my blood.'
She wiped her tear and took out something very hard and cold and put it in her bag.

Annika didn't go to work that day.She didn't sleep as well. She was just counting her hours before she saw her own world end.Arjun knocked at her door at midnight and she told him that she was busy and not to disturb her till morning. The next morning Annika literally dragged herself to work. She looked at her office and her awards. She touched them lovingly and held back her tears. Very soon , it was the D-Day for Annika.

Annika wore a red gown for the event and waited for Shivaay. Shivaay was a gentleman and came on time and gasped when he saw Annika. She looked like a red vision. Shivaay said 'Annika , you look gorgeous. I am so excited and happy to be the one who is going to present this award to you.'
Annika smiled half heartedly. Shivaay noticed that Annika looked troubled. He said 'Annika , is everything okay. I have been noticing for many days. You look really worried. You can tell me what is troubling you. I will help you.'

Annika just looked at him ,wanting to tell him everything, wanting to hug him and ask him to protect her. She knew that only Shivaay could make her feel safe and secure but not today. If she said anything to Shivaay today , she would be left alone right now. So she said 'Shivaay , I am just stressed about some business matters. I will be okay. Let's go.'

They reached the event hall. The ceremony started and very soon it was the time for the last and the biggest award to be given out. Shivaay was called to the stage and he announced the name for the best businessperson of the country for this year. Shivaay smiled and with immense happiness on his face he said 'Annika Mehrotra'.
Annika was going to get up when a sharp and loud voiced echoed in the hall.It said
'Not Annika Mehrotra, Just Annika. Annika the illegitimate daughter of a woman who was a professional companion for men. Annika Mehrotra doesn't have a father or a surname. She has faked her name and her father. Her mother committed suicide because she was ashamed of her work. And if you don't believe this anonymous voice, look at the screen ,you will see the proof too.'

And the screen  which had Annika's face till now changed to Annika's mother's handwriting letter and after five minutes it showed a video clip of a younger Annika with her lawyer which had her discussing the truth of her surname with him.

Annika sat motionless on her seat and saw Shivaay looking at her in shock. Annika heard others murmuring things about her. She took out the cold and hard thing which was a sharp blade from her bag and pressed it against her wrist and sliced it. And her blood started dripping little by little and Shivaay continued to stare at her.

What will be Shivaay's reaction to this revelation ? Will he be able to save Annika? Stay tuned , next part to be up soon. Do tell me how you found this part. And do vote.
Lots of love.

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