Past Impacts Present

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Shivaay looked at the mess he had made in the last five minutes. He had broken his table lamp, two of his phones and also a glass. He had never been so helpless, so angry and upset in his entire life. Every thing was going haywire. Annika Mehrotra had been his last hope and she had showed him where he stood in the market today. He was almost bankrupt, his company was counting its last breaths and his family would be on roads soon if this was the way things were going to go. He suddenly saw Mri standing at the corner of his door. He told her to come inside. She did but haltingly. He asked her 'What's the matter Mri, why are you so sacred?
Mri said in a timid voice 'I heard you shouting and saw you throwing stuff. Are you angry at me for accidentally breaking that watch of yours. I am really sorry SSO, I didn't mean to'
Her eyes were swimming with tears. Her tears bought Shivaay back to his senses and also made his embarrassed of his behaviour. He had made his Mri scared and that poor girl thought it was her fault. He picked her up in his arms and wiped her tears. 'Mri , said Shivaay, everyone makes mistakes and I am not angry at you. I am just angry at myself for being such a failure. I am very scared Mri, what if I lose everything in this market and am not able to give you all this comfort ever again'
Mri , held Shivaay's little finger and said 'SSO I have lived on the roads until you came to my life. What do I care of comfort as long as I am with you. I know till the day you hold my hand nothing will destroy me. I believe in you and I know you will find a solution because there is no problem that SSO can't solve. Now put me down please and stop crying , I have to finish my huge pile of homework. SSO kissed her forehead as he put her down gently.Trust Mri to cheer him up. Even when the whole family would lose hope on him , Mri thought he was a superman. He decided he had to do something, atleast for Mri. Suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw 'Unknown' flashing on his screen. He picked up and before he could say anything he heard a polished and soft voice saying 'Good Afternoon Mr.Oberoi, this is Arjun Sharma, Ms.Mehrotras manager. Ms.Mehrotra would like to have a meeting with you today in an hour if it's not a problem for you'. Shivaay blinked twice , his mind was blocked. Here he was waiting for a ray of light at the end of a long tunnel and there was Annika Mehrotra standing with a lamp. He spoke after two long minutes and said 'I will meet her straight away'. He heard Arjun say thank you and the phone click.
Shivaay got up , straightened his messed up hair and put on his best suit. First impressions in business went a long way.
Soon he was in Annika's cabin. He was seated in front of her and she seemed engrossed in a file. He cleared his throat so as to make her feel his presence. She merely raised a finger which subtly said 'I know you are here , let me take my time'
Finally after ten minutes she looked up at him. She said in a crisp voice 'Mr.Oberoi I have been looking at your records and from what I could gather you are in absolute deep water. Also I saw that your company was involved in event management before coming into the real estate business'
Shivaay opened his mouth to speak
Annika held up her hand 'Mr.Oberoi , I am not finished yet. As I was saying , you had perfect control on your business when it came into event management but real estate is not your area of expertise. So I have an offer for you. I want you to organise an event. It will be the greatest event of this year. And I will give you ₹2000 crore for it. Sounds fair to you ?
Shivaay said 'But event managing was my fathers business. I took up real estate because I understood it better'
Annika smiled mockingly 'Mr.Oberoi , what makes you believe you did a good job in the real estate business. Oberoi Empire was known for its beautiful events. And you should take over that. Mr.Oberoi, you aren't going to get a better deal than this in ages to come considering your value in the market. I am prepared to buy a low valued stock like you knowing well that event management is something that you will be able to manage. My advice would be to take this deal and not have second thoughts about it.'
Shivaay thought hard, he needed the money and Annika was right he was wreck in the market and this was the best deal he could get.
He said finally 'I agree Ms.Mehrotra. But what event is it'
'A wedding . My wedding to be precise. And since it's my wedding, it will be the talk of the town. So it will be a great chance for you to start your company afresh. Don't ruin it' said Annika .
She sent for her lawyer and Shivaay signed on the contract papers.Everything was official now.
Shivaay said 'Ms.Mehrotra , thank you for giving me this deal. It means a lot that you trusted me even though you know my worth in the market. I won't disappoint you'
Annika shook her hand which suggested his dismissal.

Annika grabbed her head in her hands. This time she hadn't made a deal with her mind but rather with her heart. Ever since she had seen that little girl on the stairs of the temple, she had seen herself in that girl's face. She knew if Shivaay Singh Oberoi got ruined , he would ruin this girl's future too. And she did what Mr.Shekhawat had done for her. He had taken her under his wings and she had taken that little girl but in an entirely different manner. She didn't want that little girl to live her nightmares ever again. She didn't want anyone to live a life like that if she could help it. Just a little voice in her business mind nagged 'Are emotional decisions the wise ones'
Annika sighed.

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