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The red robes, gold jewellery , and boxes of make up adorned Annika's bed. Annika looked at herself in the mirror and thought 'Last night was the best day of my life. I wish I was stronger.I wish I would not care for the embarrassment that I would face if I call of this marriage and also the loss that I would make.I wish my businesswoman self would not domainate my head and heart but its too late now'. She went to have a bath.She came out and didn't realise there was water spread on the floor.She slipped and was saved by two strong arms lightly grabbing her waist.She knew who it was before even looking up.She knew this touch so well.Shivaay was staring at her with those sea blue orbs of his.Annika realised that it till now she had never seen how handsome he was.His face was white as ivory , his beard complimented his face.His nose was sharp and his eyes were brown and dreamy.Though he looked serious his face had an impish charm.His personality was such that any girl would have felt it was hard to resist him.Annika came back to her senses and removed his hands from her waist.She said 'Shivaay what are you doing here ?'
Shivaay slightly abashed said 'I just came to tell  you that my farm house is ready finally and I will be moving out of here in an hour.'
Annika said 'Won't you stay for the wedding ?'
Shivaay smiled and said 'I would love to but it's too painful.'
Annika looked away and said 'I understand. Give my love to Mri and leave whenever you want to. It was a pleasure meeting you and you did an amazing job with the wedding preparations. I did not make a wrong choice in hiring and spending on you.'
Shivaay said 'You hardly make wrong choices , I wonder why you are doing so now. But it's none of my business I guess. Have a good married life.'
Shivaay left and Annika recalled his words. Annika thought 'I don't know what to do for the first time in my life. Help me God, please do. Why is love so complicated? Why can't it be simple like a business meeting? But now it's all over, I need to get ready.'

She started getting dressed. She looked at herself in the mirror and for a minute dreamt that Shivaay was behind her and draping her head with the red net veil. She shook herself and looked at her room and thought 'From today onwards this room won't be the same again'
She sighed and went towards the pyre. Normally she didn't feel sad on waking alone but today she wanted by her side. And almost immediately Arjun came to her. He said 'Ma'am you have always been with me So May I return the gesture by walking you down there.'
Annika smiled and said 'I hope you aren't doing this for a pay rise.'
Both of the laughed and Annika sat down. Mr.Sharma bought Abhimanyu after a while. His face wasn't visible because of the beaded strings hanging down from his wedding turban. He sat down next to Annika and the priest started reading his mantras. The groom and the bride were asked to put their hands forward and when Annika felt Abhimanyu's hand beneath her , she wished it was Shivaays. A surge of recklessness took over her. She didn't care for anyone now apart from Shivaay. She bent down and whispered in Abhimanyu's ears 'I can't marry you.'
Abhimanyu hissed back 'You aren't serious?'
She said 'I am . You remember you told me that I won't be able to stay away from love for long. Well it turned out you were right.'
Abhimanyu was angry and he whispered 'Whom do you love?And I thought we had a deal.'
Annika moaned 'I know but I can't marry you . I can't see myself taking vows with you.'
Abhimanyu said 'The rituals have started. But who is this guy anyway?'
Annika got up and said loudly 'I am sorry Abhimanyu, I can't marry you . I love Shivaay. I want to marry him and live with him.'
Abhimanyu got up too and said 'Finally'
He removed his turban and Annika exclaimed 'You?'
Shivaay said 'Yes, me. God, you took ages to confess these three words.'
Annika was still in shock and just mumbled 'How?'
Shivaay said 'Well , in my defence , I would like to say that I did say sorry to you today morning, after you left. But you didn't hear that. See, I have never fallen in love before and when I did , I fell so hard that I could do anything to get you. And since you were taking so much time to confess I thought , I will marry you secretly and when we meet in your room I will tell you the truth. But finally you said it thankfully.'
Annika said 'And everyone knew?'
Shivaay said 'Oh!Yes. Abhimanyu was ever ready to get you know the true meaning of love so that he too could marry once and that too with the lady he loved. So we planned. That engagement night drama was a plan too.'
Annika said 'A Plan ?'
Shivaay said 'Yes, Arjun , Mri , Abhimanyu And I came up with this plan so that we could see whether you stand and fight for me or not and after that maybe you could confess your love for me. But you are a tough nut. So we hatched up this plan .'
Annika said 'I want to know the plan .'
Shivaay said 'Well then we should have a flashback time.'

Next part will be on the flashback and a proper confession from both sides. It will also be the last part of this story excluding the epilogue. Do tell me how you found this part and do vote. Lots of love.

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