The Deal and The Opening to the Past

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As Annika walked towards Mr.Sharma's office led by his assistant she thought of Mr.Oberoi and his laughable deal. But she was also very pleased with herself , that people wanted her to save their company.It felt nice to be respected by people after having heard so many harsh comments in the past as a child. She smiled to herself as she entered Mr.Sharma's room.

'Good Afternoon Ms.Mehrotra , have a seat. What would you like to have ? Tea , Coffee or a mock tail? said Mr. Sharma

'Just Plain water will do, I don't like to have anything while I am somewhere for work, replied' Annika.

'Very well then. Since you seem to be a person who seldom wastes time, I will come straight to the point. I have a business proposal for you. I would like you to marry my son Abhimanyu Sharma. The sole inheritor of my company. Unfortunately he neither has the brains nor the interest to take my company forward. I need someone who has a keen interest in business and will maintain the position of this company. It will be painful for me to see this company going down. And knowing Ishaan's taste in women, I am sure he will fall in love with another idiot who will ruin my hard work of forty years. So , I would like you to handle my company. I will give you fifty percent of the shares when you marry my son. You handle this company. There is no one better who can do this. Do you accept this proposal'? said Mr. Sharma

Annika gulped some water and her brain raced. Getting married was the last thing on her mind but the profit was huge.But again it was a question of her whole life. Could she trade it for money?
But this would make her the No.1 entrepreneur on the Forbes list. It was a once in a lifetime deal and emotions couldn't be brought in it. And once they are married and the rein of the company is in her hands , she needn't necessarily live with Abhimanyu. He can go his own way and she could live alone. Their marriage would be just a contract on a piece of paper. That wasn't a bad idea at all, thought Annika.

After a few moments of silence , Annika said 'Mr.Sharma , it's a huge favour that you are asking me. But the deal is brilliant. I would love to look after this company and make it reach new heights. But I just have one demand'.
What will that be ?said Mr.Sharma
Well, the wedding ceremony,the pre and post wedding rituals will be held at my house. In other words , after the wedding Abhimanyu will have to live at my house. I can't leave my house, said Annika
Mr . Sharma scratched his white beard and said 'Anything for a business deal. You maintain my company and I will respect your wishes. The wedding rituals will be done the way you want it to be.
Thank You Mr.Sharma. And I would like to meet Abhimanyu once as well said Annika

Of course, young lady. I will tell him to meet you tomorrow itself, whenever it's comfortable with you. And I will send you the papers with my lawyer that will have the  clauses of this deal, so that we can make it official said 'Mr.Sharma.

I will tell my manager to call you tonight and give you the appropriate timings for tomorrow said Annika.

Yes , that will be perfectly alright. Thank you Ms.Mehrotra for agreeing to this deal.

Annika smiled as she got up and said , 'Only a fool would not agree to this deal and succumb to emotions'
They shook hands and she left his office. She was a bit scared of what the marriage will be like for her but the thought of being the No.1 entrepreneur removed those fears.

She headed towards the temple.She thought today was a good day to pay her respects there. After all such amazing business proposals could only have been  because of God's amazing plan.
As she entered, the priest recognised her and went towards her to welcome her. She took out six bundles of two thousand rupee notes and gave it as donation to the priest. She bowed to idol in front of her , folded her hands and whispered 'Let nothing spoil things for me now. And thank you for staying there with me'.
She turned and was going down the temple stairs when she saw a little girl of ten , deeply engrossed in prayers and yet was crying silently. She stopped and put a hand on the little girl's shoulder. The little girl looked up.
Annika asked in a very gentle and soft voice quite unlike her own, What has happened child , why are you crying?
I always cry when I come here she replied.

Why ? Don't you like the temple?,asked Annika

It was my home for six years , I lost my mother here when I was four years old. It brings back bad and sad memories, the little girl whimpered.

Annika stood there like a statue. A lump had formed in her throat, she asked her
'What do you mean by was?

Now I live in a big house said the little girl and to prove her point she held her arms wide open and said 'This big'. It's my big brother's house. He took me away from here four years ago. I love him so much' The girl had stopped whimpering and was smiling as she spoke about her 'Big Brother'. She continued ,
He cares for me like my own mother , plays with me and loves me all the time ❤️He is here if you want to see him, she added gleefully. It was plain and clear that she adored her big brother. And without further ado, she shouted 'SSO, come here , a big lady wants to meet you'
'I'm coming in a moment Mri , called back Shivaay.
Annika stayed rooted to her place and asked Mri,
'By SSO you mean , Shivaay Singh Oberoi?

Yes, said Mri, he is my brother , the Great Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Annika didn't say anything, the lump in her throat was huge now. She patted Mri on the head and went.

Mri shouted 'Wait, don't you want to meet SSO?'

Annika turned and said in a choky voice 'Some other day maybe.

She reached her car , sat inside and broke down. Every word Mri had said resonated in her head. Annika wailed like a child in the car. Her past memories had coming rushing to her.

She had spent her childhood like this, treated like trash. She had lost her mother as a child. She had screamed but no one had ever paid any attention to her. And the worst of it all, she didn't know her father. She had been taunted of having bad blood. Annika Mehrotra didn't know who her father was. Her name was a lie. A lie that used to crush her every night. A lie that she feared if the world knew , it would despise her. She cried in the car loudly that day.

Annika's dark past , her childhood and how she crafted herself into what she is today will fully be revealed in the next chapter . Stay tuned

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