The Engagement

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Shivaay and Annika stared at each other without a word for an hour. The sound of the door being unlocked bought them back to their senses. Annika got up and said 'Start the preparations for the engagement.' She left , wiping her tears that now fell from her eyes uncontrollably. She went to her room and closed the door. Shivaay saw Arjun staring at him with a helpless expression. Shivaay said 'Let's get started.' Arjun nodded. So Shivaay worked till midnight and fell asleep on the couch. Annika came out from her room and saw him. She pulled out a blanket from her closet and wrapped it over him. She outstretched her hand to stroke his hair. A tear drop fell from her eyes on his forehead. Annika went after some time. Shivaay opened his eyes and touched the place where the tear drop had fallen. Shivaay said to himself
'Why can't you just say it once? Am I not worth fighting your inner demons for ? I wish you would say it Annika. Say that you care for me and love me. Take the first step and only then I can take the next. Please before it's too late.' Shivaay wished that Annika could have heard what he said. The next day passed and Shivaay completed the arrangement for the engagement. At night he went to Annika's room and said 'So big day tomorrow.'
Annika smiled a bit and said 'Yeah. And even the press is going to cover it. The preparations are all good ?'
Shivaay said 'Absolutely.'
Shivaay took out a small box from his pocket. He gave it to Annika.
Annika asked 'What is this ?'
Shivaay said 'It's just a small engagement present.'
Annika opened the box and saw a beautiful locket made up of a blue stone. She asked 'Is it a diamond?'
Shivaay said 'A very rare diamond.'
Annika picked it up gently and said 'This is beautiful. Honestly, you didn't have to get this .'
Shivaay said 'Well I just wanted to appreciate the fact that you gave Mri and I a shelter when I needed it. And it goes with your blue outfit that you will wear tomorrow.'
Annika didn't know what to say. She took the chain and tried to put it around her neck but failed and Shivaay asked 'May I?'
He put the chain gently around her neck and said 'There you go. That was easy. Most things are but we intend to make it complicated.'
Annika and Shivaay stared at each other in the mirror and Annika said 'Sometimes the difficulty makes things easier.' After some time she said 'Thank you for this. I will keep it with me forever.'
Shivaay whispered under his breath 'You have me forever.'
He left and Annika looked at the locket and said 'At least I will something that will remind me of your presence if not you. This locket will always give me a sense of protection that I get from you.'
She clutched at the locket and held it in her fist and fell asleep.
The next morning she woke up and found her room ready with all the things she would need to get ready for her engagement. After doing a bit of work , she decided to get ready. She looked radiant in her midnight blue gown with stars. Her hair done up in a carefully careless bun had few locks of hair falling on her face which made her look beautiful. She was glowing and when she came down all eyes were just on her. Shivaay just couldn't help but keep staring at her. He had never seen anything more beautiful. She was more beautiful than a princess and more graceful than a fairy. Abhimanyu came forwards to take Annika's hand and led her to the place where everyone was seated for the engagement. Mr.Sharma complimented Annika and she smiled. Shivaay noticed how beautiful her smile was. He thought , 'if only Annika called off this marriage, that smile could have been mine to watch for my entire life. I never thought I would fall in love but now when I have fallen in love so hard I can't do anything about it. Both of us know what we feel but both can't say it.'
Mr.Sharma asked for the engagement rings to be brought to them. Annika slid the ring in Abhimanyu's finger but the ring to be put on Annika's finger slipped from Abhimanyu's hands. Shivaay and Arjun looks for it and Shivaay found it. He was still on one knee as he held out the ring to Annika. Annika and Shivaay looked at each other with the exact same thoughts racing in their minds. Annika took the ring from Shivaay and placed it on her finger. The engagement ceremony ended and Mr.Sharma said 'This calls for a customary dance from the couple.'. The lights dimmed and the music played. Annika and Abhimanyu did a slow waltz and when it ended Shivaay asked Annika for a dance with him. He put one arm around her waist and pulled her close. He whispered 'You look ravishing.' Annika smiled and  said 'It's the magic of your locket .' Shivaay and Annika danced lost in each other and thinking of everything that they could have said , had said and the time they had spent with each other. They were trying to communicate without words when suddenly the door opened and their trance broke. They turned and saw a woman with policemen. One of the policemen said 'Shivaay Singh Oberoi you are under arrest under the charge that you harassed this lady here.'
Shivaay looked shocked and Annika looked at him. Shivaay shook his head but Annika turned away.

What will happen to Shivaay ? Is he innocent and will Annika believe him? Stay tuned for more. Do drop in your comments and views. Lots of love..

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