Saviours For Each Other

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Annika woke up with the biggest smile on her face the next morning.She had made a friend for the first time in her life.Somehow she felt extremely protected around Shivaay.She felt safe,calm and secure.Annika felt herself blushing and said to herself 'Wow, so Annika Mehrotra is blushing and gushing over a new found friend. Didn't know that was coming'. She laughed at her own goofiness and went to get dressed.
She greeted Arjun at the breakfast table by which Arjun was a little taken aback. He said 'Ma'am today we have that big meeting with the Raichands.If we can impress them we will amass a huge fortune.'
Annika said 'Arjun , Annika Mehrotra never fails to impress. Get ready to congratulate me yet again'
Arjun heaved a sigh of relief, his employer was still as arrogant as ever. When she had greeted him with a smile for a moment he was scared something was wrong with her.He suddenly remembered that he had to say something else to Annika. He said 'Ma'am, the entire buildings lifts and elevators have broken down and we would have to use the stairs today'
Annika looked aghast and said 'Arjun I live in the only pent house apartment of this building and that is situated on the 22nd floor. You honestly mean to say that I have to climb up and down stairs?'
Arjun said 'Yes, Ma'am. But if you want we can just go to the roof where our chopper is situated and you can leave for office in that'
Annika thought for a minute and then said 'No, I will drive and go. It's too much trouble with that chopper'
Annika put the last bite in her mouth took her work essentials and left.
While she was on the fifteenth floor , she bumped into Shivaay.
She said 'Good Morning Shivaay. What are you doing here ?'
Shivaay was panting and said while gulping air 'Ms.Mehrotra, I mean Annika. I had come to get started on the decoration of your apartment to make it wedding ready. My men are downstairs with all the goods'
Annika took out her bottle of water and gave it to him. She said 'Have this and why don't you wait to catch up with your breath for some time'
Shivaay looked grateful and drank the entire contents of the bottle in one swig. He muttered thanks and without any warning fell down clutching his chest. Annika screamed 'Shivaay'
'Shivaay are you okay ?' Shivaay didn't move. His breath was getting deeper and shallower. Beads of perspiration has filled his forehead. Annika looked around and found that no one could help her. She picked up Shivaay in her arms, was about to lose her balance but caught herself in time and headed upstairs to her apartment as fast as she could.
She took out her key card and rammed it inside the slot abc hurried in. She called for Arjun while taking Shivaay to her bedroom.
Arjun came and she said 'Get , Dr.Arora here ASAP. Go quickly, call him.'
Annika splashed some water on Shivaay's face. Nothing worked. Shivaay looked worse than he had when he was downstairs. She checked his pulse , it was dropping. She was desperately looking for a way to regain Shivaays consciousness. And then she heard footsteps. Dr.Arora had arrived with Arjun. She ran to him and told him everything that had happened with c very quickly. Dr.Arora went to Shivaay , he gave him an electric shock using a defibrillator. He also used an injection and injected a medicine. He then turned to Annika after half an hour. He said 'He suffered from a cardiac arrest due to less oxygen reaching his heart. As you said , I guess it was due to the fact that he climbed those stairs. I think even you should keep a defibrillator at your home and learn to use it. Had I come after some time this matter could have been serious'
Annika who was in near tears now , mentioned her thanks and paid him his fees. She then sat down on the chair beside the bed that Shivaay was on. Arjun said 'Ma'am, that meeting with the Raichands is due in an hour'
Annika said 'Cancel that Arjun. I can't leave him alone in this state. Let him feel a bit better
And in the meantime contact his family and tell him he will be here today. Tomorrow the lifts will be functional again and I will drop him at his house.
Arjun said 'But the Raichands ma'am? You worked so hard for that deal. And we are here to take care of Mr.Oberoi'
Annika said 'Arjun do as you are told. I don't want any arguments'
Arjun didn't say anything and did what he was told. He came and informed that The Oberoi's were thankful for what Annika had done for Shivaay and they would be extremely happy if they could express their gratitude to her tomorrow in person'
Annika nodded and signalled Arjun to dismiss himself.
It was around midnight when Shivaay woke up. He groaned with pain when Annika took his hand and said 'Careful now. Let's not hurry and get hurt again'
Very slowly she hosted him up and made him sit with his back supported by a pillow.
She said gently 'How are you feeling now? I will take you to your house tomorrow. Rest here for the night'
Shivaay said in a a weak voice 'You saved me Annika , I owe my life to you. I can't thank you enough'
Annika said 'You don't have to but you have to promise to look after yourself. Are you hungry. Would like some soup ?'
Shivaay said 'Yes Please.'
As Annika was leaving Shivaay held her hand to stop her and said 'You seem so tired. Were you awake the whole day looking after me'
Annika said 'You were my responsibility Shivaay and Annika Mehrotra doesn't shy away from responsibilities. Now save your breath and rest'
Shivaay saw her leave the room and thought to himself 'Indeed it was a lucky day when he had met her at Mr.Sharmas office. She was truly unusual'

Do leave your comments on how you liked this part and do vote, it will mean a lot. Next part to be up soon. Lots of love.

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