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Annika stayed awake the whole night sitting beside Shivaay.Occasionally caressing ,little hesitantly at first ,Shivaays hair when he groaned in sleep due to pain.At around four a.m. she saw the screen of Shivaays phone light up and saw the name Mri flashing. She thought for a minute and then picked up. She heard Mri frantically saying 'SSO, where are you ? No one is telling me anything. Why weren't you picking up the phone ? Are you all right ?'
Annika said 'Sshhhh Mri. Your SSO is alright . He is with me. He didn't feel very well so he stayed back at my place. I will bring him back to you tomorrow.'
Mri said 'Nika, you have my SSO?'
Annika said 'Yes and he is fine.'
Mri asked in a very subdued voice 'Did he again have a pain in his heart?'
Annika was shocked to learn that Mri could guess so soon, a very intelligent child indeed she thought.
Annika said in a reassuring voice 'Yes Mri. But I got him in time. You needn't worry. He is sleeping now otherwise I would have given the phone to him.'
Mri just said softly 'ShivMriNika'
Annika said 'What did you just say Mri ?'
Mri said 'I said ShivMriNika. Earlier it was only ShivMri. Today you saved him and you are my friend too so I added you to my team. ShivMriNika will always be there for each other even when no one else is.'
Annika teared up for the first time in ten years. No one had every given her such warmth and that too so soon.
Annika cleared her throat and said 'Mri now go to sleep. And don't worry about your brother , he will be fine.'
Mri said 'I am not worried anymore because he is with you.'
With that she hung up. Annika stared at the phone screen for a long time and then put it away.
The next morning Shivaay woke up and was really surprised to see Annika still beside him.
He said 'Didn't you go to sleep? You look terrible and so tired.'
Annika said 'Thank you for the compliment. And I told you till you are my responsibility I will not leave you . How are you feeling now ?'
Shivaay said 'Really good. But I would like to wash up and I don't have any fresh clothes to wear.'
Annika smiled crookedly and said 'Annika Mehrotra takes care of every little detail before anyone can even utter a word. I had told Arjun to get a fresh suit that would fit you yesterday itself. Now go and get ready and we will have our breakfast and leave.'
Shivaay looked positively impressed and went to freshen up.
At the breakfast table he saw Annika reading the paper and his plate was laden with very uninteresting food like fruits and lentil soup. He didn't say anything and quickly ate and said 'I am ready . Let's go'
Annika got up and took her work place essentials and led Shivaay to the garage. She held the door of the car open for Shivaay to get in and then went to the drivers seat. She asked ' The seat belt is comfortable I hope?'
Shivaay said 'It's perfect and thank you again for dropping me back'
Annika nodded and then suddenly remembered 'Shivaay I completely forgot to tell you . Mrinalini had called to check on you. Since you were asleep I spoke to her'
Shivaay said 'Oh! Was she scared ?
Annika started to drive and said 'A bit but then I reassured her that you were okay.I wanted to ask you , why was Mrinalini not informed about you? Arjun told me that he had told your family about your health so why was Mrinalini not in the loop ?
Shivaay said grimly 'Well you see , Mrinalini is not my real sister as you know. I had adopted her. Now my family has an obsession with blood and lineage. Since the so called pure blood of the Oberois doesn't flow in the veins of Mri , she is not really welcome by my family. The only reason they tolerate her in the house is because of me. Since I am the owner of the Oberoi Empire, they can't go against me. Because of Mri no one in the family talks to me like the way they used to before. They despise this decision of mine. Even my mother , for whom I was the apple of her eyes , doesn't talk to me. That's the reason they didn't come and visit me in your house yesterday. Otherwise any other  family would have come rushing after hearing about the incident. Things have been very bitter in the Oberoi Mansion these last four years. But I don't really mind. I have Mri And Om. Om is the only one who supported my decision whole heartedly. And Mri is the reason I can fight every bitterness. That's why I fear that if something happens to me or my company and the power goes out of my hands , my family will throw Mri into the same darkness where I brought her from.'
Shivaay stopped suddenly and said 'I am sorry , I just went rambling on about my family. I don't do that often but it just flowed out when you asked.'
Annika smiled and said 'That's all right. You are a good man Shivaay. Never change yourself.'
Shivaay wanted to change the topic now and said 'Do you know I have been called to present the award to the best business person this year at the biggest entrepreneur award function of India. That means I will present it to you.Isnt that great ?'
Annika said 'How many award functions are there ? I got called for one some days ago as well. But anyway , I don't attend these ceremonies. They are a waste of time and I can do something much more productive in that time.'
Shivaay pleaded and said 'Oh just attend this one. For a friends sake. Please.'
Annika laughed and said 'Fine if it means so much to you, I'll come.'
Shivaay put his hands behind his head casually and said 'That's settled then. I will pick you up for the function on the 22nd that is three days from today at seven.'
Annika nodded , barely listening to him and thinking that 'I did make the right choice in giving Shivaay this deal. Not only is he efficient but he loves Mri to the moon and back and can do anything for her. It's hard to find such men today.'
They finally reached the Oberoi mansion and Shivaay exclaimed 'Oh No'
Annika asked 'What's the matter ?'
Shivaay said 'That's Tia Mullick'
Annika said 'So ?'
Shivaay looked at her and said 'Oh did I just say Tia Mullick , I am sorry , That's my 'Ex-Girlfriend' Tia Mullick. That girl brings nothing but trouble with her.'
Annika said 'Indeed'

What storm will Tia brew in Annika's and Shivaay's life ? Stay tuned. The next part to be updated to be soon. Do tell me how you liked this part.

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