The Lady with Style

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Six leading business magazines lay casually on the glass topped table.The business section of almost every newspaper were just next to them. All of them bore the same headline with the picture of the same dangerously beautiful lady : Annika Mehrotra -The 'Hatrick' Indian business woman of the year. She was also there on the cover of Forbes magazine for being the 6th richest person in the world.
Annika Mehrotra was like an unstoppable gale of wind. She was determined to win every sector. She owned three companies and was the co owner of nine other. If she wanted something , she saw to it that she got it and there were no two ways about it. 
Having lost everything at a very young age , she knew the value of money and the strength of power. She didn't have a merry childhood nor was her past beautiful as people expected it to be. She has secrets buried deep inside her , which used to keep her awake every night but she used to bear the burden of it herself.
She arrived at the dining hall wearing a well fitted white   coat with a  black shirt along with spotless white pant. To complete the look she had worn a pair of white stilettos. Looking effortlessly beautiful she ate her breakfast alone with one eye on her phone checking fir any important mails and the other on the newspaper as she skimmed through the headlines. She glanced at the various magazines for a second and then called for her extremely efficient manager Arjun. 'How many meetings do we have today?  she asked in her brisk voice .Three Ma'am but they are all scheduled between afternoon and evening. And you are invited yet again for receiving the best business woman award at night answered Arjun.
'Have the consignments reached their respective places ? she asked. Yes ma'am they were done yesterday exactly the way you had told me.
'Good, well you can tell the award guys 'yet again' that I will not be coming and you are to represent me. Annika Mehrotra has better things to do than sit and revive awards' said Annika.
Yes ma'am
Well Arjun, you may leave now and look at other things, I will be back by midnight and I expect to see tomorrow's schedule in my study.
Sure Ma'am
And tell the workers in the mansion to clean up the mess on the table will you ?
With that Annika took her laptop , her briefcase and left for work.

She was a tough girl with a heart of stone thought Arjun as he saw her leave and he  felt that although she had conquered the business world she was yet to conquer real people and their hearts.

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