Stormy Acquaintances

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'Shiv, it's so good to meet you again.' said Tia Mullick in a high and false voice and embraced him.

Shivaay broke free from the hug as soon as possible and said 'It's good to see you too Tia. What brings you here ?'

Tia said 'Why do you always have to be so serious Shiv? Aren't you just happy to see me ?'
Shivaay cleared his throat and said 'Very Happy Indeed. By the way Tia , this is Annika Mehrotra. I am her uhh...'

'Business associate and friend .'finished Annika
Tia shook hands with Annika and said 'Let's go in guys.'

Tej was standing at the hall entrance along with Om and Mri. Mri looked at Shivaay and teared up and Shivaay went to hug her and said 'My Mri is a brave little girl , why is she crying ?'

Mri hugged him hard and said 'Promise you will never leave me alone again.'
Shivaay said 'I promise. But you needn't worry , now your Nika is on our team as well, so she will save me.'

Annika smiled and Tia passed a glance at her. Mri went to hug Annika and whispered 'ShivMriNika is on'

Annika gave a peck on her cheek. Tej came forwards to greet Annika and said 'Ms.Mehrotra its a pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for saving Shivaay.'
Annika merely nodded and Tej continued saying 'That's my son Omkara and that's Tia Mullick our new business partner. I would have introduced you to the rest of our family but they aren't here yet.'
Annika said 'It was good meeting you but I got to get going now.'
Shivaay said 'Annika please stay for lunch at least.'
Annika replied by saying 'I really can't.'
But then Mri tugged her coat and said 'Please Nika.'

Annika hesitated and said 'Fine then but only for an hour though.'
Tej said 'Excellent. Come let's go.' And he led them towards the dining hall when Shivaay cornered him alone and said 'Tia Mullick is our business partner ? Have you got any idea the charges that are against her father. Her father is a fraud. That girl is nothing but trouble and take it from me that she will destroy whatever is left of the Oberoi Empire.'

Tej said 'You had your chance with the Oberoi Empire, now just leave it to me. I have struck a deal with Tia and I know what I am doing.'
Shivaay said 'What kind of deal? You are trying to get her married to Om aren't you ?'
Tej said roughly 'Shivaay you mind your own business and I will mind mine. Don't meddle in my things.'

Shivaay was about to say something when they heard Om calling them and both of them left the matter there.

At the dinner table Tej made some polite conversation with Annika and Tia while Shivaay , Om and Mri discussed the presence of Tia in low voices.

After some time Annika said 'I am done. The food was excellent. Thank you. Could someone show me a place where I can wash my hands?'
Mri got up and said 'Let me take you Nika and I will show you my pool as well.'
Annika said 'Fine Mri.'

Mri led the way and as they approached the pool she said 'That's my fabulous pool. I love staring at it. It's so beautiful. But I can't swim and that's why I am allow.....Aahhhh'
Mri slipped on the water spread on the pool floor and went into the pool.

Annika screamed 'Mriii' and without second thoughts went inside the pool to get her. She saved Mri from drowning and got her outside. Mri was in shock and was shivering. Annika called out for Shivaay and he came rushing. He looked at Mri and the drenched Annika and guessed what had happened. He took Mri inside and said 'Annika, you are all soaked in water. You will catch a cold. Come on in. I will make you s cup of coffee and give you some fresh clothes to wear. Annika , I can't believe it that you saved my life and then Mri's. I want to say so many things but I need to look after Mri first. But come inside.'

Annika said 'Shivaay I will come in a minute but please go and check on Mri.'

Shivaay went inside and Annika went towards the pool to take her bag when she heard the false and high voice of Tia Mullick saying 'Mri reminds you of your childhood doesn't she Annika 'false surname Mehrotra'.

Annika turned around and said in a cold voice 'Tia Mullick. Indeed you turn up at the most unexpected places.'

Tia sniggered and said 'Fate always brings us together somehow . We have been inseparable since school.And isn't it nice that I know all about your past and your fake family name.'

Annika snorted and said 'Fake ? Tia , tell me how is your fraudster of a Dad doing nowadays in prison.?'

Tia came forwards , her eyes shining dangerously 'Annika Mehrotra, dont you dare say that about my father. You think you are the best don't you ? Well what would the entire business world think of you when they get to know about your past. I have a copy of your mom's letter and also the proof of you having a fake father. Annika do you think I came here to spark things up with Shivaay again? Oh No. I have come here to destroy you. You , the person who is the reason that my father is behind the bars today.'

Annika was scared but kept her voice steady and said 'Your Dad was a fraud. He was a poor farmer when we were in school and then he faked some papers and owned some land there and got a big amount and settled here. And then he came to do business with me. I was happy to but he cheated me.I can't bear cheats so I did what was correct and put him to rot in prison.Tia , you can't threaten me with those baseless threats of yours. Annika Mehrotra controls the business world. You can't even put a scratch on me let alone destroy me.'
Tia smirked and said 'Annika Mehrotra, you destroyed my family and now I will destroy you. Your friendship with Shivaay will finish. You will be a broken and untouchable material just like you were in school. Let's see what the business world thinks when they will see what the great Annika Mehrotra's mother did for a living and how Annika Mehrotra is an illegitimate woman without a surname. Save the date Annika, 22nd June , is the day for your destruction.'

Tia left leaving Annika cold and nervous.

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