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"what a crackhead

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"what a crackhead.."

taehyung uttered to himself as he fumbled with the keys to the house. he was finally in namjoon and seokjin's house after a long ass walk. it wasn't too late either, it was only 10 am and it said in the rules that he had to wake jungkook up at 8. he assumed he was already awake.

by the time he twisted the knob and entered the house, it was dead silent and taehyung knitted his eyebrows together. he walked inside, looking around cautiously for a mop of brunette hair, as what namjoon described jungkook as yesterday.

"hello? is there a..jungkook here?" he called out hesitantly. he wasn't sure if saying that was a good idea, but it was the only thing he thought of.

the television was off but the couch was a mess, the lights were all on but there was no one there. the gray haired boy hummed to himself as he made his way to the second floor, looking for the guest room where he was supposed to stay for a whole month.

as he walked up the stairs, a bright yellow piece of paper stuck to the wall caught his attention. but he moved past it anyways, but he did see the words LITTLE SPACE in big bold letters. he didn't know what it meant so he ignored it.

he almost tripped because of something on the floor and he cursed, looking down at his feet for the source. there was nothing there other than a small pink bunny plushie. slowly, he bent down and picked it up, carrying it around with him as he walked.

"maybe this is jungkook's.." he thought to himself.

and finally, the guest room.

taehyung let out a tired breath as he opened the door, and once he did, he almost dropped the duffel bag and plushie he was holding due to surprise.

"oh shit!" he swore for the millionth time that day. he quickly covered his mouth when he realized someone was asleep on the bed. walking carefully towards it, he tiptoed to make sure not to wake whoever was sleeping.

they had messy brown hair and they were wearing a blue pair of pajamas. taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and went deep into his head, trying to remember the details namjoon said about jungkook. he said brunette hair, right?

he quickly got his phone out of his pocket and scrolled way back for the text namjoon sent him yesterday.

uhh just to make sure you know what he looks like

hes a brunette, his hair smells like strawberries, big eyes, and if theres a pair of bunny slippers there, then thats jungkook

taehyung huffed at the texts and his gaze diverted from the phone to the sleeping boy. he said big eyes, how was he supposed to know if they had big eyes when he was asleep? moving on, the brown hair.

leaning in subtly, he took a quick whiff. it really wasn't necessary but taehyung just wanted to make sure. and yes, it did smell like the strawberries namjoon said. and once he looked down on the floor, a pair of light blue bunny slippers were there.

so this is jungkook then.

"i thought he was a kid..?" taehyung was utterly confused about the whole thing. namjoon said it was babysitting, then where's the baby? is jungkook the baby?

might as well be, honestly.

and that's when it clicked in him.

making a sharp turn back outside the hallway, he looked for the yellow paper on the wall that namjoon probably left for him to read when he arrived.

once he found it, his eyes immediately scanned through all the words written on it.

LITTLE SPACE is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in little space may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction during their time in little space.

I got that from urban dictionary if you were wondering :P

Good luck and have fun for the next month, Taehyung-ah! Call me if he's acting up!

Luv ya!

Namjoon and Seokjin

taehyung dropped the paper with his heart racing fast, eyes wide and mind blank.

there was only one thing in his mind.

"seokjin hyung knew about this too?"



so yeah thats taehyung finding out abt jungkook and little space >;)) uhh hope you enjoyed

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