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"o-owie..that hurts."

jungkook poked the scratch on his shoulder and winced, the pain waving throughout his body. it was just a small simple scratch but jungkook made it seem like he was shot in the heart. little jungkook liked making things seem more exaggerated than they really are, and that's the exact reason why he was so hurt about the scratch.

"hyungie!" he called out, dragging out the end of the word. they both finished eating dinner about 20 minutes ago and they both decided to sleep, but taehyung was taking too long in the shower. "please talk to me.."

taehyung never responded once, probably because he couldn't hear jungkook over the sound of the water.

jungkook lays back down on the bed out of boredom. he didn't know what to do while waiting for taehyung to finish showering. should he just go to sleep ahead of him? no, he didn't feel comfortable alone.

with a small frown, he rummages through the side drawers of the bed and pulls out the thing that calmed him down the most. jungkook placed the small blue pacifier in between his lips and smiled in satisfaction.

he loved having to use his paci. namjoon found it so adorable whenever jungkook used it. what would taehyung think?

taehyung finally finished putting his clothes on, and he got out of the shower with his ash gray hair still slightly damp. the first thing that caught his attention was jungkook, who was laying down on the bed with a pillow hugged closely to his chest. he smiled, but once he saw the pacifier on his mouth, the smile grew even wider.


jungkook sat up instantly, and he pulled the pacifier out of his mouth with an oddly cute mad look.

"have you been waiting?" taehyung asked, gaze still fixated on the pacifier in his hands. jungkook nodded and crossed his arms with a 'hmph!'. "sorry, bun."

the brunette then smiled at his words. "'is okay.."

it was going to be a long night.

well, for taehyung, at least.




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