Chapter 1.

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Hi if your reading this! This is my first fanfic enjoy!

"Get the fuck down these stairs and make me breakfast you whore!" James,my stepdad, calls from downstairs.

"Coming!" i cry an run downstairs "okay I'm making it now" i say as i walk into the kitchen.

James walks into the kitchen after me "you better hurry up slut! oh and I'm going to the pub after breakfast so you need to get the shopping!" he shouts and i nod.

When i finished the bacon i give it to James and sit at the table "ill go to the shops now if you want me to" i shyly ask him "fuck off I'm busy eating!" He screams and i nod trying to keep in the tears.

"i'm done take this in the kitchen" he tells me "you have legs don't you" i imagine myself saying but when i get the plate smashed off my head thats when i realise that i actually did say it out loud shit! "what did you say bitch! you know what i dont give a shit your heads bleeding go clean it now! then go to the shops!!!" he shouts and i just sob and nod and go clean my head.

When i come back down James iz gone to the pub and the moneys on the table so i take it and leave strait away.

When i get to the shop i get all of my things and go to leave the shop but I'm stopped "hi i'm Paul i wouldn't go out there just yet pet there crazy out there, they'll do anything to see the lads!" he smiles at me and I'm confused "umm sure okay.." i answer and walk back into the shop to look around some more when i bump into someone and fall back and hit my already sore head.

"Owch fuck that hurt" i say holding my head.

"Oh my, are you okay I'm sorry i didn't see you there are you okay?" The blonde boy asks and i nod.

He holds a hand out so i take it "thanks" i thank him for helping me up and he smiles.

"Hey have I seen you before?" I ask him and he laughs which is a really adorable laugh.

"maybe" he laughs "I'm in that boy band you know one direction" and the lads walk up behind him and I'm shocked "omg i do know you!" I squeal and they all laugh.

"Oh my god are you okay your heads bleeding it looks quite bad what happened?" The blonde asks and i begin to sob again.

"Nothing i just .. umm ... fell.. yeahh fell ..." i lie "your lying" a curly head boy tells me and i give him a death glare "yes fine I'm lying but i cant tell you!" i cry and they nod.

"Well follow me" the blonde says and i nod and follow him.

He leads me to the boys toilets "hell no i'm not going in there!" i squeal and he laughs "well your head is bleeding and it looks serious your coming in so i can clean it" he tells me and i nod and follow him in.

When I'm in i put on a disgust face and he laughs at me and tells me to sit on the counter and i obey and sit and he begins to clean my head.

"Im Niall by the way and you are?" He asks "kara" i answer and he nods "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he says and i blush "I'm not beautiful but whatever thank you though" i smile.

"So what really did happen, it stays between us, pinky promise!" Niall holds up his little finger and i laugh and lock his with mine "okay fine ill tell you but dont forget. No telling anyone" and he nods

"Well basically my stepdad threw a plate off my head" i sob and he looks astonished.

"What!" he shouts and i nod "i know I'm pathetic" i sob and but my hands up to cover my face but there removed my Nialls strong arms "no, no your not Kara!" he tells me and smiles at me then wraps his arms around me for a hug and i return.

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