Chapter 22

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Kayy so thank you for over 800 reads it literally means the world to me and in this chapter I will explain what happens to Niall and it may not seem so realistic but I watched it on 24 hours in a&e so yeahh😂

"I think it has cut throat on the inside by eating" one nurse says to another and im very worried now, "what was it he was eating" a nurse asks me "umm he was eating a chip, is he gonna be okay?" i ask as a single tear streams down my face and the doctor looks at me sympathetically "im not sure yet but don't worry darling he will be fine" she tells me and I start sobbing, what if he's not though! This is all my fault, isn't it? fuck! "im sorry" I whisper to niall who is now lying in a little bed in the ambulance with tubes stuck into him.

After a while we finally reach the hospital and I call Liam he answers after the second ring

"Liam?" i ask sobbing "yeah oh my god Kara are you okay!?" he asks worried and I begin to cry even more "no" i cry "it's Niall can you and the lads please come down the hospital, this is all my fault" I can't stop the tears streaming down my face, Liam tells me he's on his way and I don't know what to do.

Niall is in the operation room and im waiting in the waiting room, no one will let me see him and I can't help but feel like this is my fault. The lads walk into the waiting room and all greeted me with a hug.

"T-they won't let me see him" I stutter "this, this is all my fault isn't it?" I say and harry cups my face with his large hands "Kar listen to me, this is not your fault okay? stop blaming yourself for everything, he will be fine I promise" he tells me calmly and wipes my tears with his thumbs then kisses my cheek, I nod even though I know none of it is true.

I run off into the bathroom along the hall before anyone can question where I was going and lock myself in a stall and take a blade out of the pocket of my bag, i ask myself if im actually going to cut again, I told the lads I wouldn't but I can't help it, I need a way to let out the pain... i slice my skin on my wrist and sob even more I hear people running into the bathroom "louis that's the girls bathroom!" Zayn shouts and I hear the doors opening "i don't care, Kara I know what your doing please, please just stop!" I hear crying, not just coming from me but coming from the other side of my door and I know louis has found me, I open the door slowly and run to the sink, louis runs after me.

I was my arm to get rid of the blood and louis' eyes are red and puffy "why?" I ask him "why do you all care about me so much" I run into his arms and sob into his chest.

"Kara you mean something to me, you mean something to all of us especially Niall, hurting yourself hurts us and I would hate to think what we would all do if anything where to happen to you!" he pulls me closer and kisses my forehead "We love you!" he whispers as i cry into his chest, "im sorry I got tears on you" i say and he laughs "it's fine but promise me you will never ever hurt yourself again?" he asks and I shrug "im sorry, I can't promise that but I will try" i tell him and a small smile appears on my face. "we better go before some old woman hits me with her purse for being in the ladies bathroom" he jokes and I laugh, i link his arm and we walk out together, we all have a group hug and everyone tells me to stay strong.

We go back into the waiting room and a nurse comes out to speak to us, "hi im nurse Anne and im happy to say that your friend is okay but he is not allowed to sing or talk all day today and keep the singing to a minimum for this week please, you way go into see him but just don't make him talk until tomorrow morning." and before she can say another word i Rush into his room and smile when I see him, even lying in a hospital bed after an operation he still manages to look perfect.

Hi guyss im sorry for the late update but ive had shitty school and homework but yeah I hope you like this chapter even though it's extremely depressing but the next chapter will be happier I promise ❤️ ily guys so so much 💋 omfg can you believe it's the end of the wwa tour? 😱❤️

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