Chapter 26

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Hi guys, okay so I've decided I won't stop writing so thank you so much for giving r me feedback and telling me not to stop and for reading this so your the reason im still writing ❤️

"I can't do this anymore, I don't know what to do, how am I going to hide, he's going to find me and kill me! he might hurt you all, it will all be my fault!" I shout crying as they all try to comfort me "that won't happen babe" Zayn assures me "you don't know that Zayn!" I scream at him and he has a hurt look on his face from me shouting at him "oh my god, Zayn i'm so sorry. I just can't do this anymore! he has hurt you before remember that Zayn!" I told him and he bowed his head.

"Kara, look at me. he won't hurt you." louis tells me making me face him "you don't know that lou." i whisper to him.

Niall holds me tighter and kisses my cheek then wipes my tears. "im scared" I say to them all as I sob quietly, "I know, we all are" Niall tells me brushing his fingers through my hair.

This is all my fault, I got them into this mess. what if they get hurt, i don't want anything to happen to them it's not fair that I put them through this. I need to be strong. for them, and for me, so I stand up and wipe my tears. The lads stand up with me and we all have a group hug.

I walk into the bathroom and grab my blade, "long time no see" I whisper, i haven't cut for so long but I need a way to let out my pain 'its all my fault' I think as I slice my skin, I deserve this, I deserve to just die but for the lads sake I will stay alive... for now...

As the blood rushes down my arm i wrap it around in tissue paper and hide my bloody blade before walking out the bathroom. I don't bother to fake a smile, the boys know as soon as I leave the room what I've done.

"Im sorry" I say to them before running into Mine and Niall's room. I grab my phone and listen to music with my headphones and look at my texts, 'unknown number' it reads so I look at it,

"I will find you, and I will kill you" it says and that's when I knew it was james. I can't help the tears that escape my eyes and Niall bursts through the door. "kar. please. dont. hurt. yourself. again..." he says between sobs looking me in the eyes as he sits next to me on the bed. "i fucking love you, don't forget that okay!" He begins "your my everything! I love you Kara! I love you!!!" he repeated, I love him more, more than he knows, and I don't tell him enough.

"Niall I love you too, more than you think. without you and the boys, life would be pointless. you saved my life. I love you so much" I tell him and kiss him softly.

(Sorry for the very depressing chapter but I have something coming up in the next chapter or the one after the next which is going to be something really big ❤️❤️❤️-natalie 💋

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