Chapter 17

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Hi guys i just wanna say thank you so much for reading this fanfic and im sorry i dont update much but thats because i dont have a lot of time so sorry bout that <3


I dont know whats going on or why Charlotte and Kara keep going to the bathroom but i decide not to say anything as i don't want to ruin the night.

"So Kar i've missed you so much whats been happening while i was gone?" i ask with a smile planted on my face, i really did miss her she was my best friend when we were younger and i used to have a little crush on her, i giggle to myself a little and Charlotte gives me a confused look but i just shrug.

"Nothing really i mean the bullying and abuse has still been happening so yeahh i still cut but James was arrested and that Bitch that bullys me still does but other than that you've not missed much, oh yeahh also i met these guys not long ago and they've been there for me so i love them for that and there music is amazing!" she tells me hugging the lads which makes me smile, I'm glad she's happy.

"You never told me the name of that girl, the one whos been bullying you?" i question her and she shrugs.


"You never told me the name of that girl, the obe whos been bullying you?" Dyl questions me and i feel Charlotte kick my leg as if to tell me not to say anything so i dont, i just shrug.

"It doesnt matter" i fake a smile and cuddle into Nialls chest.


We finish the night and begin to say our goodbyes

"Byee Dyl thank you for tonight it was good" i tell my closest friend and he smiles and pulls me into a tight hug "Bye Kar we should do this again some time, it was good and dont forget, Stay strong okay your beautiful dont let anyone tell you otherwise" he tells me and kisses my cheek.

I smile at him again and turn back to boys, Niall has this look on his face, it looks like jealousy but im not sure, is that because Dylan kissed my cheek? I mean it was only a friendly kiss. We all hop into the car which Paul has picked us up in.

my phone buzz's and i smile knowing it would be Dylan i open it and it is, i red it 'Hey Kar, i had fun tonight but whats going on with you and Charlotte shee keeps complaining about you, she says that you too know eachother and that she really diss likes you but i dont know why and she says that you hurt her wrist today, whats all that about? x' ughh that bitch doesnt know how to keep her mouth shut. i write back

'Dyl you dont get it,shes put my life through hell, shes the reason for my scars your girlfriend is my bully but i didnt wanna tell you because you probably wont belive me anyway...' i tell him and shut my phone off. We finally get home and Harry helps me out of the car.

"are you okay Kar? you seem upset about something." Zayn asks me and i just shrug "its nothing, dont worry about it." i tell him, i cant keep complaining to them, it probably gets on there nerves im so annoying so im just gonna fake a smile and act like everythings okay...

We all go in the house. "Niall whats wrong you havent talked to me since the end of the night "nothing im fine" Niall tells me and walks into his room shutting the door behind him.


Dylan O'Brien... i dont know what to think of him, i liked him at first because he helped Kar out, but at the end of the night when he kissed her cheek i felt... jelous, im not the jelous type, i mean Kar and I arnt even together, i dont even know what we are all i know is she makes me happy and i wanna be the one to help her get through the tough times.


I go into Nialls room and Nialls lying in bed staring off into space "you sure your okay?" i ask Niall and he nods but i know hes not "you can either tell me whats up or i will..." i think for a moment "or i'll pour water over you" he laughs slightly "you wouldnt dare!" he tells me and i go into the bathroom and come back with a glass of water "would i not?" i ask and pour it over him.

i put the glass on the table next to the bed and laugh. Niall sits up and picks me up covering me in the water i put on him, he hugs me tight and loads of water goes on me, we both laugh. Shit... im wearing white, my top becomes see through. "bad day  to wear white Kar" Niall laughs and i blush "bad day to wear a bright pink bra" he adds and i blush even more if thats possible, i punch him playfully and he laughs "Shut up horan, just remember your wearing white aswell!" i tell him and he laughs "yeah but im a guy" he tells me, whats that suppost to mean? "which means i can take this off" he tells me taking his top off, i cant help but stare "kar?" he asks and i snap out of it "oh umm yeahh well umm lucky you?" i say and comes out more like a question "just because im a girl doesnt mean i cant take mine off, id rather not though" i laugh and he joins "true" he says.

"so whats up?" i ask him and he shrugs "Just Dylan i guess, i like him and everything because he's been there for you and stuff but when he kissed you i guess i got jelous, i mean he's pretty much everything you need really, good looking, there for you, talented and he's on teen wolf! who could beat that!?" he tells me and sighs i smile at him, he's jelous of Dylan? "yeah Dylans my best friend and always will be but the lads now are also my best friends, noone has ever made me feel the way i do when im around you, i get so happy and i just always wanna be with you, im always scared that if i complain to much or say the wrong thing that you'll leave me, i dont know what we are, but whatever it is i never want it to end Niall..." i tell him and he smashes his lips against mine.

Sorry bout the crappy chapter and sorry it took so long to write but ive been thinking about what should happen in it and im not sur if i should make it dirtyish or not?? what do you think? oh and follow me on instagram my user is @niallsprincces xxxx

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