~Chapter 2~

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Destiny POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. Once I realised I wasn't back at the Blood-wolf pack house my heart skipped a beat but it didn't last long. I then tried to contact my inner wolf, Neve. "Neve, Neve. You awake yet?" No answer. She's probably just hungry and needs something to eat.

I looked around trying to figure out where I am, I know I'm in a hospital bed but "How did I get here?" and "Am I safe?" Those two questions swirled around in my head. Well, only one way to find out. I got out of the hospital bed and a sharp pain shot through my shoulder, I forgot about my injuries I then recalled what happened before my run for freedom.

15 Months ago

I saw Serenity and Dynasty sitting in front of me, I tried to get up but was held back by chains. I looked around and the smell just made me nauseous, we are in a basement and I am tied with chains and Cerenety and Dynasty with normal rope. "The person that took us knows we're a lone wolf and Dynasty and Cerenety are humans which means it can only be the Blood-Wolf pack." A voice said in my head. I almost screamed, "I must be going crazy." I thought to myself I'm crazy! There is no way I have a voice in my head! "You're not going crazy. I'm Neve your inner wolf." There it was again. I tried saying something but I was speechless I thought I was crazy. "You probably have a lot of questions well let me answer them with a memory." I again said nothing not believing this voice in my head. "Lets start with my name shall we? Hi, I'm Neve, let's go back to the very beginning. A few years ago, 8 to be exact, you were playing outside of the Snow-Wolf pack house when you suddenly felt pain throughout your body. Other kids called Mom and Dad said you were having your first transformation. Mom and Dad came running outside and then rushed you inside, into your room. After a painful hour you we were sitting there as a pup but mom and dad had shocked expressions on their faces you couldn't understand why so I got us to transform back, I then took control for the very first time and shut you out, so that you would not remember our conversation. We talked about the fact that your fur was white which is normal seeing as you're the alphas only child and your dad also has a white coat but about the fact that from your snout to the tip of your tail you had a black stripe. Now, this stripe is so abnormal because there is a prophecy about our family, we are called the snow-white wolfs. And the prophecy went, 'There will be a child of snow born on a snow white moon and this child will have a white fur with a black stripe, this child will be extraordinary with senses 10 times stronger than a normal wolf, and will also have a wolf named Neve which means snow in a foreign tough, our young pup will face journeys throughout life tough and peaceful but will always prevail and will find mate at the age of 17. This pup is a Snowflake.'

We were very worried as to what this might do to your childhood so we erased all your memories of being a werewolf and replaced them with human childhood memories, I then promised to stay hidden till your 16th birthday or till needed, which is now. You are also in great danger because the Blood-Wolf pack was waiting for the right time to use you as a weapon I guess they think it's now, we also decided to enrol you into a normal human school to help with the process. Now, I know this is a lot to process but right now we need to get Dynasty and Cerenety somewhere safe and to do so you need to give me control and I'll get them out, okay?"

After Neve gave me that information I felt my old memories coming back and no matter how mad I am we have to get Cerenety and Dynasty out, I put those emotions aside and let Neve take control.

I felt a wave of power go through my body as Neve took control. I looked down at myself and everything seems normal but my platinum blonde hair is now pitch black. I took a deep breath in and my senses are heightened. I can see every piece of fibre on the carpet, I can smell every person who has been in here and every person upstairs, I can hear every voice, every breath they take, I can feel everything but my attention is drawn to the chain around my wrist, cold but burning into my arms. "Silver chains," Neve grunted. I was about to respond when I felt all muscles in my upper body flex, this confused me because I wasn't moving my body "What on earth?" I thought to myself. "I'll answer all your questions once were safe. And this will feel a bit weird but you'll get used to it." Neve replied and for some reason, her voice soothed me. After flexing my muscles my arms moved forward. They broke the chain. Once she moved my arms forward I could see burn marks around my wrists. "Why are my wrists burned, and why don't I feel the pain?" "You don't, but I do." Neve hissed through her teeth. It was gonna take some getting used to sharing my thoughts with someone inside me, whilst knowing they're there. Once we were free of the chains we went over to Cerenety and Dynasty, they are still passed out.

We woke Dynasty first. She was quite shocked at my appearance and I apparently have black eyes too. Once Dynasty was awake we cut her rope and we did the same with Cerenety and she had the same reaction about my appearance. They were both shocked but luckily didn't ask too many questions. We slowly walked to the door and Neve listened to check if the coast was clear, it was so she broke the lock. Outside there is a hallway with stairs leading up. We led Dynasty and Cerenety upstairs but stopped at the corner because we can hear a man just around the corner. Neve told them to wait for her signal before moving around the corner. Neve slowly snuck around and once the man saw her it was too late she knocked him out. Neve signalled them and we ran outside. We looked around and we were in the middle of a forest. Neve gave me control back and my hair and eyes turned back. I could see Cerenety and Dynasty are about to ask questions so I said: "I'll answer them later let's get out of here first." I looked around trying to figure out what to do next but we didn't have enough time, we heard the Alpha of the Blood moon pack howl so I know they know we have escaped, I have no choice. I looked at Cerenety and Dynasty and told them to get on my back and hold on tight. Dynasty opened her mouth about to ask a question but I didn't have time to answer questions so I just transformed. Even though about 30 minutes ago I didn't even know I'm a werewolf it felt good to transform I looked down and saw my pure white paws I took a breath in and I felt amazing at this moment I felt pure happiness but reality hit me like a truck I opened my eyes and looked at Dynasty and Cerenety and they had terrified expressions. It broke my heart to see them look at me in that way but I had to put those emotions aside I nudged Dynasty with my shout to get on, for a moment I saw hesitation but she got on anyway. "We don't exactly have all day Ren." She told Cerenety. Cerenety got on behind Dynasty. "You better not drop me Destiny!" I let out a chuckle. While getting ready to jump off Dynasty whispered in my ear "I trust you." Hearing those words just encouraged me more because they trusted me to keep them safe so I made a promise even if they couldn't hear me "I'll keep you safe."

I heard the pack house doors burst open and out came 7 wolves and in front of them was the alpha he has a black coat but it was dirty and he has blood red eyes at this moment I knew he had lost control of his wolf, and I know he is going be extremely dangerous now. I started running at full speed at first it took some getting used to but I got full control of all my paws and I was able to go even faster, I am pretty sure I am running at full speed right now. I am flying through the trees. I looked behind me and I couldn't see any wolves so I kept running for a few more kilometres and slowly started slowing down. Once I stopped I took a deep breath in and I could smell that the wolves are gaining on us. I then listened for the sound of cars and I heard a bunch of them up ahead. I then started running again and a few minutes later we got to a highway I stopped just at the edge of the forest. Cerenety and Dynasty got off, I changed back.

I then told them "Follow the highway and you should get to a city or a time once you're there borrow someone's phone and call the police, don't tell them anything about the wolves just tell them we escaped and ran to a highway, then tell them that you two lost me while running, then call my orphanage and tell them I was kidnapped and tell the police the same. Now good luck and remember I love you two and please tell Maxine I love her and will be back as soon as possible. They both looked at me, tears in their eyes. Dynasty broke the silence "Why are you leaving? Come with us! Then you can tell Maxine yourself!" I looked at them and quickly said. "Because I made a promise, now go you don't have much time they're gaining on us" And with that, I changed back into my white wolf and took off. While running in the opposite direction I made sure to slow down so the other wolves would catch me and Cerenety and Dynasty would get to safety. While running I could only think about Maxine I remember when I was 12 and in the orphanage, she got dropped off she was only 8 months old and it broke my heart, from that very moment I knew I would treat her like a little sister and I did. A loud growl snapped me out of my thoughts I stopped and in front of me was the Alpha he let out a louder growl and I noticed behind him was his other pack members I got ready for a fight but when the alpha was about to jump I saw my paws turn black and I knew Neve had taken control, and after that sweet blissfull darkness. 


Word count 1929.

(Personal note to author: Edited 8 March 2019.) 

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