-Chapter 13-

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Destiny POV

After tucking Max and Ren in. Will, DiDi and I made our way downstairs. As soon as we were in the living room I plopped down on the big sofa exhausted. Will sat down next to me. I snuggled closer to him, surprising him for a few seconds but he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me making me feel safe.

DiDi sank into the big beanbag, close to the coffee table.

We were silent for a few minutes before DiDi let out a sigh and snapped me out of my thoughts. I sat up from Wills grasp and immediately felt the familiar warm tingles leave my skin. He also seemed to snap back into reality, he sat upright against the armrest.

I started explaining. Why I left, every single detail that happened when I was in Kansas. I then explained why Dynasty and Cerenety know about our kind. And he already knows that Max is a werewolf as well.

He then told me why Maddison told Mrs. Black about my time in my former pack. I'm just glad that someone knows what I'm going through. But I still wouldn't wish it upon anybody. Not even my worst enemies.

DiDi even told us what happened while I was gone.

"Once we got to the sheriff's station we told her about everything except the werewolf part of course. After a night there we were allowed to go home. Once we got home we immediately went to the orphanage to check on Max. She didn't look good. Her eyes were puffy from crying and she had bruises on her wrists and a purple bruise on her cheekbone." I was afraid of this. I knew they would find someone to take my place while I was gone, I just never ever imagined they would a use a child. It started getting hard to breathe but I felt Wills hand on my shoulder and I calmed down  "How bad was it?" I asked even though I know the answer. "Not as bad as yours but bad. The bruises took a while to heal. And they had been doing the same things for 3 days." I felt tears well up in my eyes. I blinked a few times not letting the tears fall. I looked up at DiDi and she continued.

"I was able to make the same deal you did. I took your place." I was stunned. "You did?" She looked at me as if that was the most stupid question ever. "Of course I did! Max is my little sister and your my sister I would never let anyone hurt her!" I felt a warm sensation bloom in my chest. But it disappeared as quick as it appeared. "And Ren ?" "They didn't touch her. She looked after Max while I was..... occupied." I nodded, happy DiDi kept out little sisters safe. "But we kept Max at the apartment not wanting to leave her alone. We only left her at the orphanage when we were at school. Which we usually skipped when there were no tests." I nodded knowing how the rest of the story goes. She continued explaining the rest to WIll and I zoned out thinking about today's events.

It is currently 04;36. We must've been talking for hours.

I yawn escaped my mouth. I looked over at Will and he chuckled. "I think its time for bed." I nodded agreeing. We got up and my hand automatically found its way to Wills. DiDi got up and we all went upstairs. I stopped in front of the room that DiDi and the other were staying. Giving Wills hand a squeeze I let go and walked into the room.

I closed the door behind me and I entered their small bathroom. I turned around to make sure the door is closed to find a mirror. I couldn't help but giggle at how silly our untamed hair looked. We quickly brushed our hair out and walked over to DiDi's bed, a set of pajamas were waiting for her on the bed. While she got dressed I quickly woke Max to take to the bathroom. She hadn't used it when we got here. After walking half-asleep Max back to her room. DiDi was already wearing her pajamas. I gave her a hug. We talking a little. After a while, she yawned and I knew it was definitely time for bed. I said goodnight and walked back to the room Will and I are sharing, I slowly opened the door and closed it quietly, I quickly changed then slipped into my side of the bed. I felt Wills' arms wrap around my waist as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. I laid there just thinking. Thinking can be quite dangerous if you let your mind wander to far.

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