Chapter 18.

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William POV:

After Travis explained everything that happened in his time in the spirit realm. I practically ran out of my room. Pulling on a jean and shoes before even close to the bedroom door. I grabbed a shirt and opened the door pulling it on as I contacted Jackson telling him to wake the other Alphas, Lunas and Betas. I stormed into my office grabbing the map of every packs land. I walked into the meeting room and was pleased to see everyone there. They looked half asleep, this was no surprise seeing as it is almost 5 in the morning. I rolled the map open on the table. And took my seat at the head of the table. Everyone's attention turned to me, I felt Jackson move to my left taking his place as my Beta. I cleared my throat masking the raw emotion in my voice. "My wolf contacted my mates wolf while I was asleep. I know her location and am asking all of you to assist in her rescue." I felt relief wash over me as I finally got that out. I turned my head to Jackson and he looked like he had just won the lottery. It sure as hell felt like I had won the lottery. I was getting my mate back and killing the bastard who took her away from me. I turned my attention back to The Alphas around the table. The first to speak was the Alpha of the Breeze Pack. "Our pack will be able to give a helping hand but seeing as this is a delicate situation we would like something in return." I nodded it seemed fair. "We should discuss the details later in my office." I answered he nodded. Next to speak was the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack. "We will not be able to help in the battle area as our pack is recovering from our own battle that ended just a few days ago." I was a little disappointed seeing as he has a very strong pack. "Thank you for your support so far and contact us if there is anything we can help out on." He nodded and got up taking his mates hand as their Beta followed, there wasn't anything else he could help out on so he got back to bed.

As soon as I knew who was going to help out I was pleased as more tan the half were willing to help. 5 Out of the 8 packs were assisting. The other 3 packs were leaving later in the morning.

As soon as that was done we discussed different measures of attacking. And when. We decided that we were attacking tomorrow at sunset.

The meeting ended around 8 and I decided I was going to grab breakfast. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Maddison already making French toast and bacon.

I poured me a well deserved cup of coffee. And looked at the clock letting thoughts wonder. I was snapped out of my daze as Maddie placed toast, bacon and syrup in front of me. She sat down next to me and I explained that we were attacking tomorrow.

She nodded taking it all in and finally said something. The exact opposite of what I wanted to hear. "I want to help." No no way is she coming along. "No." I said sternly. She looked at me with disbelief. She started complaining. "Oh come on! I am one of the fest fighters you have. And once you get to Dessy you will help her but whos going to look after Max? I know Jackson isn't as he's going to have your back. She won't trust anyone else. Please I want to help save my friend. I promise to stay close!" I was going to answer when a voice behind me answered instead. "She has a point mate. And I promise to look after her." I sighed knowing that if Jackson agreed she most likely already won the argument. "Okay but I and Jackson will personally train you." She smiled and jumped up pulling me into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Go change training starts 9:30 so 15 minutes." She nodded and ran off. I picked up our dishes and rinsed them off. I went and changed meeting Maddie and Jackson outside. And so we started training.

After 7 hours of training and a few water breaks. I decided I have pushed her far enough today. And will do the rest tomorrow. I dismissed her and continued punching the punching bag for about 30 minutes. I looked up at the clock and it was 17:07.

I cleaned the gym and shut the lights off. I walked up and passed the kitchen up to our room. I quickly showered and got dressed in sweats.

I got in front of my computer screen and started looking through some of the pictures of Dess and I. I felt tears burn my eyes as every picture flashed past. Her smile. Her eyes. Her loving and Caring Nature. Sarcastic comments. After looking through our album I came back to the first photo and turned the screen off. I heard a knock on the door and opened it to be met by one of the omegas looking shocked. "What is it?" I asked and started thinking the worst. "Alpha. B-Border patrol found a letter telling you to open your email." Why couldn't this wait till morning? "Alpha. It has Lunas name on it." "What?! Where is it?" I asked desperation visible in my voice. "In your office Alpha along with Beta Jackson." I nodded and thanked him, and was on my way to my office.

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