-Chapter 3-

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I woke up with a huge headache. Starting to recall what happened the night before. I shot up and looked around, I was back in the old basement. "You finally woke up. You've been out for hours." Neve said. "Why'd you take over yesterday?" I asked. "You.." Neve was about to answer when a man walked in. "Aaah, you're finally awake. I'm Alpha Zack, Alpha of the Blood moon pack " He introduced himself. "Well, it's nice to meet you." I replied sarcastically. This pissed him off as he walked forward. I was then able to see his face. He looked like a man in his mid-forties and he had stitches running from his temple down to his left eye. It looked his face had been clawed. "It was a pretty good fight your wolf put up."

He said while lowering his fist. "I wish I could've done it myself." I said trying to keep a poker face. Trying my best not to show him, how terrified I truly am. This really seemed to push him off the edge as he came closer raising his hand and balling it into a fist, just when he was about to strike me I felt a familiar wave of energy washing over me, I knew what this meant Neve was taking control and there was nothing I could do about it and not soon after that darkness followed.

I woke up in the basement at the exact same place I was before. My cheek hurt so I raised my hand to touch it and when I did Neve whimpered in pain. I looked over at the small window next to me and saw it was dark but I also saw my reflection.

I had a cut on my cheek and a black bruised eye, my white dress was even more torn than before and there were dry drops of blood visible on the white fabric. I then realized why Neve had taken over the previous times and why I kept blacking out. Neve is trying to protect me and when I blacked out, she was blocking me out so that I could not feel the pain. "Neve, are you all right? Are you okay?" I asked concerned "Yeah, I'm fine." she answered but her voice was soft and she sounded tired, weak. I was about to reply when a man walked in. I felt Neve getting ready to take over when needed but I convinced her that I could handle this on my own and that she should rest. As the man proceeded to come closer he put a bowl of porridge and a glass of water in front of me I kept a poker face not showing any emotions that would make me look weak, like the fact that I was starving. After putting the food down he left. I looked at the food and water in front of me "You should sniff them too see if they are poisoned." She was right. I sniffed them and the porridge definitely has wolfsbane. Deciding the water is save I then took it chugging it down, I didn't even touch the porridge. After downing the water I decided to rest. I laid my head on my shoulder and dozed off. I woke to the sound of the basement door slamming shut and Zack storming inside "Where are those other two girls ?!??!!" He yelled at me, I gave him a little smirk but only for a second I then replaced my smirk with an innocent expression and said: "I don't know what you're talking about." He was absolutely furious but then something weird happened he acted like he was going to kick me so Neve immediately took control but when his foot was about to crash into my face he stopped inches away. He then looked like he discovered something and just nodded and walked out.

We were beyond confused, I sat there in full control, discussing the situation with Neve she was just as stunned as I was. "We need to make a plan to get out of here." I told Neve. "Your right but for us to be able to escape, you need your strength. So I will be taking the beatings from now on. So you'll be able to save your strength." What Neve just said shocked me. "No, no way am I letting you take all those beatings for me." I tried to argue but Neve stayed at her point and I knew there was no way I was gonna be able to win this argument. It started getting light outside, so I knew she had won I'll just have to stick to my part and get us to safety. After admitting my retread we started discussing the plan and how we were gonna do things. After a few more hours, our plan was coming together, now we just had to wait for the perfect moment when they were expecting it the least. Which meant, no matter how much we hated it, that we were probably only going to be able to escape in a few months maybe years. I know it sounds ridiculous but when we were younger we heard stories of this pack and they were not for all ears, so we decided better safe than sorry.


Word count 893.

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