-Chapter 9-

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Madison and Jackson must've told her about what they saw.

Everyone whos known me so far must think I felt sad, sorry, thought I would've got up and told her how sorry I am for making her sad, I would feel responsible. But no, I felt and did quite the opposite.

I felt anger and betrayal. I got up and suddenly felt brave, very brave. "I'm sorry you had to find out from someone else but its true. Those scars are from my old pack." She started sobbing harder and Will was shocked, he was about to say something when I stormed out and slammed the door shut almost breaking it off its hinges but I didn't care I was mad, no furious. I trusted those two and one of them and told someone else something that was not theirs to tell. Neve was on the verge of taking over. After all, I've been through its hard to trust and when I do I'm cautious. I finally felt like I was safe and that they wouldn't hurt me I really fully trusted them and they broke it, they broke my trust.

 I heard Wills footsteps behind me but I kept moving. I sniffed the air and they were both in the kitchen. I made my way to the kitchen. And I was right they were both there and some other people.

"How dare you!" I yelled I felt Neves Alpha voice in mine. They both looked up at me shocked and so did some of the other people. "Destiny? What's wrong?" Maddison asked me as she moved closer to cautiously, seeing my eyes flicker from white to black and back. Neve was on the verge of taking control. I knew how dangerous that would be so I took some deep breathes and shut her out so that no matter how mad I got she shouldn't be able to take over.

"You had no right!" My voice boomed through the kitchen. All the other wolves whined. Jack looked down once I said that clearly knowing what I was talking about, Maddison, still clueless. "What are you talking about Dess? Never mind but you need to calm down your scaring people." How dare she! I could feel Neve pushing back up to the surface.

"You really have no idea what I'm talking about." I scoffed well let me remind her. "How you told your mother about my scars! You both had no right!" Neve's voice was laced with mine again. I knew I had to get out of there before I kill someone. Maddison realized what I was talking about. ¨Destiny I'm so sorry but we thought.." I felt a tear run down my face. I looked around me and saw shocked, scared, sympathetic faces. But two eyes caught mine, Will was here. I looked away and looked at Maddison and Jackson "Don't follow me." I cut her off then I ran through the door.

 I was still fuming and running through the forest at top speed. Not in my wolf form, I knew once I shifted Neve would take control and do something we would regret. I needed to calm down and I could only think of one person who would be able to do that for me right now. Most werewolves would've thought about they're mates but mine was in the house with the two so instead, I thought of Maxine.

She was the only one I could think of. I really missed her and I am going to find her.

It felt like I ran for hours before I got to the highway where I dropped Dynasty and Cerenety. I was on the side of the road when I stopped. I looked down and my shoes were shredded, I took them off. My shirt was torn and my pants had holes. My feet were bleeding. But I didn't care. I must've been running for 3 hours because the sun was starting to set. I remembered the day I helped them escape. I ran into the shadows of the trees blending into the forest.

I ran the direction I told Cerenety and Dynasty to go. After 2 more hours of running, I saw a town up ahead. Its lights showed bright it was beautiful. A few minutes later I was already there. I immediately went to the sheriff's station.

I burst into the station and every deputy looked at me shocked after a second or two they finally came to their senses and the sheriff came running towards me, she helped me to a chair and sat me down. I was beyond exhausted.

Tears ran down my face as I felt our link get weaker. "Miss, Miss can you hear me?" The deputy asked. "Yes." I croaked. She handed me a glass of water. "Are you okay?" She asked me concern filling her eyes, she didn't have a trace of it in her voice. I nodded taking another sip from my glass of water. By now all the deputies were huddled around me concern filling their eyes but no trace on their faces. "What's your name?" A male deputy asked me. I blinked a few times trying to stop the tears from spilling further. I sat up straight and sighed I already knew what they're reactions would be. "Destiny Winter Snow." I answered. They looked at me, some shocked, some relieved and some concerned. They didn't even try to hide their emotions this time. Everyone got up and started making phone calls and others burst through the doors while the sheriff that I met first stayed with me. I started shivering so she draped her jacket over my shoulders. "Well, it's nice to meet you Destiny I'm Sheriff Moore but you can just call me Angela." I nodded. "Thanks, Angela." "Your safe now dear, you're safe." She said with a warm smile. I rested my head against the wall and let the exhaustion take over.

Sheriff Moore POV.

Its been 16 months since those two girls came bursting in here and I remember it like yesterday.

Flash Back

It was just another normal boring day in the town of Expedition Forest. When two girls burst into the station tears streaming down their faces. The girl with blonde hair fell to her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably the girl with black hair and glasses ran towards me. "Kidnapped! We were kidnapped!" She said while clinging onto my shoulders. "Destiny. Destiny! They have Destiny !" She turned around and ran to the girl on the ground "It's okay DiDi we're okay and Destiny's going to be okay too." She tried saying in a convincing voice but I'm pretty sure it didn't convince anyone. I walked towards the girls. "Hello." I said with a calm voice they looked up at me with fear in their eyes. The girl with glasses started taking deep breaths trying to calm down while the other girl just sobbed harder. After a few seconds, the girl with glasses got up and pulled me aside. "My name is Cerenety Cathleen Charm and my friend is Dynasty Beatrix Smith and we were kidnapped." I looked at her shocked. "Okay tell me what happened." I said. She told me how they were out in the woods looking for flowers for a little girl named Maxine who's birthday was the next day. They finally had a bouquet of daisies, Maxine's favorite. They got lost on the way back and heard howls they were suddenly surrounded by 4 people and then darkness. She proceeded to tell me how they're friend woke them and that they escaped while her other friend Destiny Winter Snow ran the other direction leading them away.

End Flash Back

And now Miss Snow would finally be able to go home to Dynasty, to Cerenety, and to Maxine.


Word count 1312.

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