Chapter 22.

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Destiny POV:

I felt my breath hitch in my throat as the realization slapped me across the face. I couldn't breath and pressure started building up in my head. I closed my eyes shout trying to supress the bulging headache. I heard Will talking but it sounded like I am underwater. It felt like I'm under water. I opened my eyes as my air was cut off. I clawed at my throat trying to remove the invisible hand cutting off my supply of air. I felt sparks in my hands as Will reached for them. I looked over at him and he was instructing me to breath in and out. In and out. In and out.

I greedily inhaled as fresh air filled my lungs. As soon as I was sure that my panic attack was over I launched my self at Will. He caught me and fell backwards I inhaled his scent deeply calming my hystericall beating heart. As soon as I pulled myself together I got up and walked back to the couch getting the files and walked out of the office to the file room. I heard Will sigh as I closed the office door.

I unlocked the packs file room and quickly stepped inside. It looks like a library but instead of bookshelves there are a bunch of file cabinerts. I walked to the birth section and walked to the back to where the cabinets between 2000-2015 are. I then got the files of the day the two girls were borned. The two girls who I presume are Maxine and I. I turned arouned and walked ot the small coffee table at the center of the room.

Turns out there where 3 pups born on 08-06-2000.

Sophia Robin Dea.

Cole Greed Coldwell.

Alyssa Cherlindrea Black.

I can cross off Cole Greed Coldwell. Seeing as he's a boy and I'm pretty sure I am not.

Next is Alyssa, turns out she was born at home but her mother died after birth. Her father was murdered and she dissapeared. Im thinking that she is one of the babies that ended up at the orphanage.

Sophia however has a interesting history. I did some more digging and found out that her mother is Catlynn Black and father Brian Brown. Brian Brown was a omega and not Caitlynn's mate. They were drunk 18 year olds and one thing lead to another and Caitlynn got pregnant. Her perants were furious and forced her to have the baby but give it up for adoption. She refused but her bad luck kept going and she found her mate, as soon as her mate found out that he had waited and she had not he rejected her. The rejection pushed her over the edge and she commited suicide leaving her, then newborn, to her father, her father was madly inlove with her, he even rejected his own mate for her. Once he found out what happened he went crazy. Literally. He decided he wanted to join his love in heaven and have a happily ever after. And so he did. The baby dissapeared and his body was found in the apartment. Im gessing you've put the pieces together. Let me tell you my theory. Before leaving for the angels Brian left Sophia at the orphanage.

I still have to talk to Caitlynn's mate once I figure out who he or she is I wanto talk to him or her see if she/he has anymore info and I also need to pop by the Pack orphanage to do some diggin there and I wanted to rebuild the orphanage seeing as they have been having issues with the structure. Ceilings caving in. Walls being paper thin. Leaks.

Now to get to 2013.

I already know that the baby at the orphange is the same baby as the one that was borned that day. I just have to go talk to her mother and question the orphanage. I just need the details but Will should have those on his computer. Which means I have to go het those. There isn't anything else I need in the file room right now. I got up and stretched out giving out a yawn. I got the files and notes I've collected and started walking to Will's office.

A eerie silence falls over the halls. The pitter patter of the rain breaking  the silence just a little. I felt my heart beating quicker and my feet moving quicker as the sound of lightning made my heart jump.

As I ran around the corner I bumped into someone. "Sorry, I got-" I stopped talking as I looked up at the person's face. She is wearing all black clothing and a mask, her red hair coming out of the top in a ponytail. I immediately stood up tall. "Who are you and what are you doing in the alphas house?" I demanded. She just stood there starting at me. The lightning strikes again and a blue flash filled the hallway. She suddenly appeared infront of me, closer. She reached out her pale hand then suddenly dropped it. Another boom could be heard as the lightning strikes once more. One of the doors in the hallway opened to reveal a tired and scared Max. "Dessy?  Willy?" The woman dropped her hand and then suddenly appeared infront of Max. Just then Dynasty ran into the woman causing her to stumble back. Clarissa then picked up Max and ran towards me. I stood infront of them as  the woman looked at me. "I'll give you one last warning. The alpha doesn't take lightly to uninvited guests." The woman suddenly looked at Dynasty and took her by her neck throwing her towards the wall. She crumbled to the ground. I ran forward and punched her in the face. She turned her head sideways then I felt myself fly backwards and I hung against the wall as if invisible ropes snaked around my limbs holding me there. She walked towards Max and Clarissa. Clarissa stood bravely infront of Max. But flew sideways as she was fling against the wall by the woman.
Maxes eyes suddenly glowed gold. Canines and nails grew. She let out a growl and jumped clawing the woman in the face. Her mask came off and a disgusting smell filled my senses. Vampire. Blood dripping down her face she lifted her arm and a black cloud came out wrapping around Max.

Maxes screams filled the hallway. Suddenly a heart stopping growl could be heard over the screams. William and a few other guards appeared around the corner. She looked over at me and  in a flash was a few inches from my face. "até a próxima vez escolhidos." She whispered in my ear. Then she was gone and I fell to the ground.

I immediately ran over to a unconscious Max.

Max looks pale and isn't responding when I'm trying to wake her. I felt people around me but ignored the as I picked Max up in my arms running to the packs hospital. I just hope it isn't to late.

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