-Chapter 6-

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Destiny POV

I woke up as the sun hit my face. I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust to the light. Looking to my left I then saw William sleeping soundly in the hospital chair. I got out of bed trying not to wake him, walking over to the sink. I splashed my face with some cold water then looked up, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I trembled at the sight, my eyes looked like they were sunk into their sockets, my cheekbones were poking out with a thin layer of skin covering them. I moved the top part of my hospital gown down just above my breasts, collarbone also poking out, my shoulders skinnier than ever and the top part of my ribcage visible, every gab every crook every rib. A tear fell down my face thinking of the man who did this to me, I looked away in disgust and in front of me stood William, he stretched his arms out giving me a tight hug, resting his chin on my head. He pulled away giving me a worried look, I just let out a sigh and changed the subject.

"W-When can I get o-out of here?" "I just have to do one more checkup then you should be good to go." A voice said from behind William. William immediately tensed up he turned around holding me behind his back. After he saw who it was he let out a sigh of relieve and revealed me from behind. "This is the doctor who's been taking care of you." He said, I looked up at him and he gave me a nod. I glanced back down and started walking towards him. "I'm D-Destiny." I said while still looking down, I felt William tense up, I immediately looked up at the Doctor avoiding eye contact. He gave me a welcoming smile. "Hi, I'm Dr. Engeada. Nice to meet you." I was surprised that he didn't yell at me for looking at the ground. Maybe this place wasn't gonna be that bad.

We walked into a doctors office. "If you'll please take a seat." He said gesturing at the bed. I sat on the bed and he did a quick checkup. Dr. Engeada said everything looked okay. "You just have to start eating and drinking normally." He handed me some vitamins. "You need to take these before every main meal so Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. And I would like to do checkups monthly for the next few months to make sure everything keeps moving forward, other than that you look fine and should be able to leave today." I couldn't help but grin at the fact that I can leave today.

We went back to my hospital room and on my bed was some neatly folded clothes. "I had Maddison get you some clothes." Will told me. I gave him a grateful smile took the clothes and headed to the bathroom. She gave me some skinny jeans, white flowy top that had a crisscross pattern at the back that went down to my bra line, a white bra and a clean pair of socks and underwear, some brown ankle boots and a red plaid scarf with a brown leather jacket. After changing I felt grateful to wear some clean clothes again. I looked in the mirror and I almost looked like my old self, I opened the bathroom cupboard and took out a hairbrush, after 15 painful minutes combing my hair out I took a ponytail and braided my hair. Looking in the mirror and feeling satisfied I went back into the hospital room.

Will was sitting on the hospital bed and I suddenly felt guilty for making him wait that long, he is starring out the window. "S-Sorry for m-making you w-w-wait that long." He looked at me and was about to answer he closed his mouth again. His eyes traveling up and down, I suddenly felt shy. "You look cute when you blush, and no need to feel guilty about making me wait" He finally said.

William took me outside and we got in a black car. The car ride was nice we talked about little things. "What's your favorite color?" he asked me breaking the silence "Olive Green." I answered. He looked at me shocked, hell even I was shocked, I answered his question in one try. "W-What's yours?" I asked looking at the side of his face seeing as he was driving. "Uhhhhh, ebony I think, haven't really thought about it in a while." I let out a small giggle, immediately covering my mouth with my hand. He looked at me while pulling a pretend mad face. "And what exactly is soooo funny?" He said in an over dramatic voice. I let out another giggle. "Ebony isn't a color silly." I said. He looked at me shocked like I had just discovered the most alien thing in the world. "Its a shade." I added. He smacked himself on the forehead. "Oh my god! Your right! I've basically been telling everyone my favorite color is a shade." He let out a small chuckle and then started laughing uncontrollably, but it wasn't the laugh I've heard over the past months the disgusting laugh Zack let out, this one was full of joy and it filled me with joy, after a few seconds I couldn't hold mine in any longer. We at least kept laughing for 7min. After that, we tried to calm down when my stomach started hurting from laughing so hard. Finally, we were able to get our laughter under control. "Okay onto serious business" He said in the dramatic voice. I smiled. "Lest play 21 questions" I nodded. ¨Okay, I'll start. What's your favorite food?" He said starting enthusiastically "Sushi !!" I said remembering the familiar taste in my mouth, Wow it's been a while since I thought about edible food. "Okay, my turn." I looked out the window thinking about what I could ask. "What your favorite ice cream?" I decided to ask, I know it was simple but I like simple things. "Mint Choc chip." "And yours?" "Cookie Dough." I said with a huge smile on my face. And like that, we went back and forth asking simple questions.

After driving for a while we went up a driveway and in front of us was a huge mansion. We got out of the car and a bunch of scents hit me like a brick wall. His pack. I immediately started recalling the night I crossed I onto their territory how they all growled and how I felt small being outnumbered, falling, I also started shaking again. Will read my mind because he assured me no one would dare touch me.

This calmed my nerves a bit. I swallowed down the lump in my throat and started walking towards the house Will touched my hand, my instinct was to pull my hand away but instead I took his hand.

Once we were in the Packhouse, I held his hand more tightly as we went upstairs, he showed me to a room. "This is our room. I hope you don't mind us sharing a room?" I nodded and proceeded to the bed, I stood at the foot of the bed and looked at Will asking for permission to sit down. "It's your room too you can do whatever you want." I gave a small nod and then sat on the white fluffy covers and laid my head on the pillow just soaking in the feeling of having a bed again, I sat up, kicked my shoes off and reached under my shirt unclasping my bra and sliding it off out under my shirt, I laid my head back down and almost immediately fell asleep entering my haunted dreams.


Word count 1299.

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