Chapter 19 Part 2

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Destiny POV:

Cries of war could be heard from above. Clare and I stood ready to go. The door shot open and Zack came running in. I felt Neve starting to push to the survace. Zack shifted and lunged towards me. I ducked under his body and he flew against the wall. I looked over at Clare and she was in wolf form fighting two other wolfs. I jumped forward and snapped one of the wolfs necks. I lunged for the other one but felt pain shot up my back. I whipped my head around and saw Zack standing there, blood on his paw. I felt warm liquid run down my back. I went to touch it and looked at my hand. Blood. Everything got fuzzy and I fought to keep my eyes open. He growled again and was ready to lunge forward. Another wolf jumped on his back and bit down on his neck.


I lost my balance and fell to one knee placing my hand on the ground to keep my balance. It got harder to keep my eyes open. I heard a scream behind me and snapped out of my daze. I stood up taking a few seconds to get my balance. I turned around and the wolf was on top of naked Clare. Blood was running down her cheek. She was holding out her hand as she tried to stop his claws from hitting her face. I looked at Will and he was busty fighting the other wolf. Up to me. Great.

I tried shifting again. Pain raw pain. No shifting. I ran forward grabbing him by his neck and pulling him off of Clare. He wiggled out of my grip and bit onto my forearm, I screamed in pain as he tightened his grip. I heard a snap and he let go. I pulled my arm closer and draw my other arm back punching him in the snout. He yelped and fell to the ground. I reached down to check his pulse. Alive but unconscious. I turned back to Clare to see Jack at her side. He in wolf form and she in human. I reached over to the pile of clothes so that he could cover her, throwing the shirt to him he cathched it and pulled it over her bare body.

Jack shifted back and pulled the shorts he tied on his ankle off and got dressed. He picked Clare up and looked at me for the first time since he got here. "We're going home."

He started walking towards the door and I was about to follow when I felt a hand grip mine. Sparks exploded  through out my arm as I turned around I was met with two midnight eyes. I pulled Will into a hug. He wrapped his big arms around me. I felt pain sting in my back but I ignored it. I missed him. He sighed and I could feel him smile. "I would love to have you keep hugging you but we kinda need to go love." I nodded. "Im ready to leave this hell hole."

He pulled away and shifted. I climbed on Travis's back and he ran through the basement door, up the stairs and through the front door. I lifted my head out of his fur and was immidiatly met with the freezing night air and the smell of blood. After blinking a few times to get use the cold I looked around, I saw wolfs from my pack, wolfs from the Rebellion and wolfs from Zacks pack. I looked ahead of us and saw Desmond running with Clare on his back. I pushed my face back into Travis's neck, not wanting to see the horror around me.

I drowned out the cries of pain and sorrow around us and just focused on they're heartbeat.

We were about to leave the territory when there was one scream I couldnt drown out. I lifted my head from his neck and saw two wolfs fighting, they are both dipping with blood. The dark grey wolf a female and the auburn one a male. The male was on top of the female ready to rip her throat out. I jumped off of Travis and ran towards the wolf. I held my hurt arm close and got ready to ram into the male wolf when another female meet me to it.

She had a dirty blonde coat and the most pure and innocent eyes. The wolf turned around and bit down on her neck. The dark grey wolf got up and started fighting the wolf that was attacking her earlier. The two females are mates. While the dark grey wolf kept the other wolf busy I ran over to the dirty blonde wolf. She laid flat on her chest and started whimpering. I bent down and slowly went to touch her. She barked at me but I continued moving my hand towards her. Once I touched her forehead she calmed down. "Shift." She shifted back.

"Tina? Is Max okay? What are you doing here?" She looked up at me then awnsered. "Max made it to Moonlight pack fine, I came back for Sonja. Oh god Sonja." She turneed around to look at the fight but I stopped her. I felt someone behind me so I let her go and ran over to the fighting wolfs.

The dark grey wolf was pinned to the ground and the other wolf lifted his paw ready to slice her throat. I picked up speed and heard Tina yelling behind me. The wolf shifted back to human form and Sonja layed in her place. She looked at me then straight behind me into, I'm geussing, Tinas eyes. She mouthed 'I love you'. I started speeding up but I was to late. I rammed into him but I was still to late. I looked back at Sonja and she was gone.

Red. I saw red. The wolf in front of me killed her and he'll pay. I felt Neve taking over and then darkness......

My eyes shot open. I was laying on my back and Jack, Will and Clare were hovering above me. I groaned as I sat up. My head was pounding. I looked around me and the war was still going but has settled down a bit. I stood up and Will overed me a hand.

I was on my two feet and leaning against Will, I finally took my surroundings in, my breath hitched in my throat. I am covered in blood, mine and someone else's. Chunks of a wolf were scattered around me. Tina was sobbing, Sonja's head was on her legs, she was brushing her hair back as if she was just asleep. Clare was awake and off of Jacks back. She was leaning against Jack. She found her mate. Will looked like he hadn't slept in days. I pushed away from Will and made my way to Tina.

She was humming something as silent tears ran down her cheeks. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me and nodded, she knew she is gone and wasn't waking up and I am surprised she accepted it so quickly.

That only meant her 2nd mate is close by or she has already met her but didn't know, the fact that she accepted it so quickly means her wolf knew she was dying or she wouldn't have felt her 2nd mate.

She slowly laid Sonja down and got up. She gave me a quick hug and we walked back to the others. I immediately went to Will and gave him a hug. He retuned the favour. "Lets go home." I pulled away and he shifted ripping his shorts to shreds. I got on his back and saw that Clare was on Jacks back. Tina in wolf form. We're coming home.

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