-Chapter 8-

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After showering I got dressed and went back to our room. "They're not here, they probably went downstairs." A voice said in my head. "Neve! Your back!" "Sure am! Now get downstairs, I want to meet mate!" I sniffed the air and followed his familiar scent.

I was halfway down the stairs when I heard a woman yell "William Micheal Adrian Black!" Only one woman is allowed to call you by your full name. Your mother. Wills mother must be furious about something. I quickly made my way down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Everyone froze and all eyes were on me. I could only come up with one thing to say to change the subject, whatever it was. "C-Can we go f-for an r-r-run?"

Will walked towards me and introduced us. "Mother this is my Mate Destiny and Dess this is my mother." "H-hi Mrs. Black." I barely got the words out before I was pulled into a tight hug. I closed my eyes scared that the person would hurt me but after a few seconds of nothing happening, I opened my eyes. And the person that was hugging me was Mrs. Black. Will let out a growl and Mrs. Black pulled away and replied. "Oh, hush William, I'm not gonna hurt her." I giggled lightly but then slapped my hand over my mouth. Will glared at me playfully before Mrs.Black spoke once more. "It's nice to meet you, Dear. Now, how about you all go for that run. If you are looking for me I'll be in the library." My eyes sparkled at the mention of a library but I quickly hid my emotions not wanting to trouble someone to show me where it is. Will must have noticed because he looked at me then smiled and added. "I'll show you where it is later."

He took my hand and led me outside. Neve immediately started wagging her tail as we were about to run for the first time in years, freely without fleeing. Once we were outside everyone kicked their shoes off and stood barefoot on the grass, I followed. We ran into the forest and I knew everyone was going slower than normal for me to keep up but little did they know how fast I could actually run.

I took a deep breath in and felt a familiar sensation running through my body but just when the whole sensation was about to be fully released stopped it so that I still had 65% of control. I gave Neve the other 35% so that we could be more energetic/ have more power. My left eye turned black and black streaks appeared in my natural Platinum hair. I started picking up speed and was currently in front of everyone. I turned back and saw how all 3 of them had shocked expressions. After running in human form for a while we stopped. Everyone seemed out of breath, except me. We were in a clearing with the most beautiful trees that had gorgeous purple flowers. "Wow, you're fast!" Jack huffed. We all went behind a tree, got undressed and shifted. I was the first out from behind my tree after a few seconds Will then Jack then Maddison. Jacks wolf had a dark brown fur with dark green eyes.

Everyone looked at me shocked. "You forgot to change your fur color....." Neve reminded me. Neve was right I was standing there in fully confident and ready to run, In my white fur! "Well, shit!"

After a few awkward seconds, Travis moved forward and licked my face. I gave him a wolfish grin. He nudged me in the Packhouse direction. We were gonna run back in wolf form. Everyone got their clothes and we ran back. I felt free as the wind whipped past me. The trees were a blur. Will was a blur. Jack was a blur. Maddie was a blur. Just me, my wolf and the wind existed. I hadn't realized how fast I was going till I reached the Packhouse after 1 minute or so. I knew the others were still a few minutes out. I went behind a tree changed back to human form I was half dressed, only had my shirt left, when a growl erupted behind me. I looked and saw Will in human form not wearing any clothes. I looked at his eyes trying to figure out why he was growling. I followed his gaze and realized he had seen the scars on my back and my stomach. A growl and a wine were heard behind Will. Maddie and Jack. Maddie had sadness in her eyes and Jack Fury. I quickly pulled my shirt on. And looked at the ground ashamed of my scars.

"Who did that to you?" Will asked with sadness laced his voice. I looked up and he was now standing closer than before. His eyes were glossy. He clearly didn't care if someone saw him crying. I looked down again and he gave me a hug. He picked me up in bridal style and walked towards the door. I laid my head on his chest.  he walked up the stairs towards our room and then sat me down on the bed, pulled on some sweatpants and sat down next to me. I was pulled into his lap and he nuzzled his face in my neck I laid my head down on his shoulder as pulled his blanket over us and laid his back against the backboard of the bed, his face still nuzzled in my neck he let out a sigh and said. "I love you." I smiled and whispered back "I love you too." I felt him smile against my neck.

 We just cuddled there for a few minutes thinking about today's events. He let a few tears fall onto my shoulder, and I onto his.

After a few more minutes I felt his breathing slow down and I knew he was asleep. At this moment I felt safe, happy, loved. And those were emotions I hadn't felt in a very long time. Not long after him falling asleep, I joined in on the trip to dreamland. And we both were asleep.

I woke to the sound of knocking. "Come in." Will groaned. And in came a very worried Mrs. Black. "Mum, What's wrong?" Will asked concerned. She walked towards our bed and sat at the edge. A few tears fell from her face. She looked at me with bloodshot eyes. How long has she been crying? And then it hit me. Madison and Jackson.


Word count 1103.

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