Chapter 23

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Willaim POV :

I felt a familiar sense of deja vu wash over me as Dess ran into the hospital with Max in her arms. The same look on her face as the sime I ran into the hospital with her in my arms, the sam edesprate tone in her voice as she called out for help. One of the Dr.Eugenda took Max out of her arms and put her on a querney rushing her to take a CT scan. Dess turned around to look at me, tears in her eyes. The sight broke my heart. I walked over to comfort her when a nurse walked towards us.  I stood tall beside her as she leaned on me for support. ¨Alpha, Luna. Im sorry. We did everything we could. She crashed on her way to the CT scan and we took her to center stage. There was nothing else we could do.¨ The heart  breaking news ran in my ears and Dess let out a cry of sorrow. She turned her head into my shoulder and started shaking uncontrolably. I stood there frozen. This seriously can not be happening. After how hard we fought, how many times our hearts broke we were finally looking at a happily ever after only to have it shattered, sheś gone. Sheś really gone. 

I nodded my head to the nurse and she walked away. Dess fell down to her knees, sobbing. I stood there looking down on her not knowing what to do. There is nothing I can do. Our Max is gone and sheś not coming back. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I dont care. I deserve to cry. To shed tears. Our little bunny is gone. Jackson and Clarissa walked towards us worried expressions on their faces. I fell to my knees and cradled Dess to my chest. ¨No, no no. Godess please no ! You promised! You fucking promised! ¨ She started yelling. ¨Shh, shh. Baby it'll be okay.¨ I whispered calming things into her ear.

After hours she cried herself to sleep. I got up Dess in my arms. Jack and Clare walked towards us. ¨Whats going on? Is Maxine okay?¨ Jack asked. ¨Get everyone who meant something to Maxine and Maxines mother to meet us in the office in 20 min.¨ I orderd. They nodded and statred walking away. 

Dess and I arrived at the office and I sat her down on the couch an dpoured myself a glass of whiskey. 15 min then the otrhers arive and itĺl be reality. I fell back onto my office chair spinning around and stopping infront of the big window. Images of our times with Maxine running through my mind. 

The retched blood sucking demon that took her from us will pay. How dare she! She has no idea what she meant to people. Even in your shourest mood she could put a freaking smile on your face. She made me laugh for the first time in weeks when she escaped. She made me laugh while Dess was still in captivity. 

I thought as I watched the almost empty whiskey swirl around in the glass. I felt anger boil within me. This isnt only the demons fault. The godess let her die. Let her leave us. Travis growled and I threw the glass against the wall. 

I wouldve done anything to save her. Anything. Oh my god. Sheś really gone. I wont ever hear her voice again. See he rcute little smile. Sheĺ never find her mate. I wont ever be able to threaten the boy as he asked her on a date. Something smaked me against the face like cold water. 

I just lost my daughter. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. My only daughter. My angel. I know ive only known her for a few weeks, but she is my daughter. And sheś gone. One moent here the next gone. 

I turned around as sparks erupted throught my shoulder. Dess klimbed onto my lap. ¨You know its okay to cry.¨ She whispered making me cry even harder. 

At this point I was full on sobbing. She rubbed cirlcles onto my back. She froze as there was a knock on the door followed by Jacksons vioce. ¨Alpha? Luna?" Dess nodded reasuringly and got up to awnser the door. 

Everyone walked inside filling up the small room. Lastly a woman walked in tears stains on her cheeks. As soon as she saw Dess she ran up to her a smile on her face. ¨Is it true?! Youve found my Maxie? Oh my god! What if she doesnt like me! What if-¨ She was cut of as Dess rose her hand silencing her. The lady blushed slightly then walked towards the couch and sat down. 

I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me. ¨Tonight, as you know, there was a attac. Max uh.¨ I cleared my throat as a lump started to form. Dess took my hand then continued talking. ¨I was on my way to the office when a vamire attacked me. Max came  out to see what the commotion was about and the vampire attacked her. Dynasty and Cerenety inervied saving her. She was to strong and took them down. I attacked but was stopped as she used powers. She made me watch as she- she- she uh.¨ Her voice was shaky and I decided to finish. ¨She made Destiny watch as she used black magic on Maxine. Max was rushed to the hospital but we were to late.¨ 

Everyones silent cries of sorrow echoed off the blank walls. Sheś gone.

Destiny POV:

One week. One mistrable week since she died. Maxes funeral is today. I havent spoke to anyone exept Will. Im sick to my stomach all the time so I rarely eat. I looked at my refection in the mirror. 

I have on some black skinny  jeans,  a black blouse and some black heals. My hair is straight. 

Will walked out of the bathroom wearing a black tux and some sunglasses. ¨Its time.¨ I sighed and we walked towards the kitchen to be met with a woman in white roaming around our kitchen. 

Willaim pushed me behind him and at the same town we both let out a growl. The woman seemed unfazed and turned around. My eyes widened as I saw who it was. ¨Godess. Is there something we can do for you?¨ I asked. She hummed and Willaim looked at me confused. She hummed a response and in a second Willaim was no longer in the room. 

¨I truely am sorry for taking her away child but all will be esplained in due time.¨ I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion. ¨In the dream you said there was a phropecy. How can it be forfilled if she is-isnt here anymore?¨ I asked. ¨In due time child. But that is not why I am here. You and Willaim will both become royalty once you've fully mated.¨ I nodded remembering her mentioning it in one of my dreams. ¨Well that time is upon us now. I will return in a few years to tell you the rest but i am here because everyones memory will bw wiped. Exept yours. They will forget aboout Maxine. Dynasty and Cerenty will not remember ever meeting you. No one will know about the times you were kidnapped. Your perants would have died a few years ago. And so on.  Not even Willaim will remember. Only you Destiny. When the time is right everything will fall into place and everyone will get there memories back but then chaos will erupt as well. Now you will have the old memories as well as the new ones. Everyone will lose theyre memories tonight at midnight and tomorrow will be a new day.I am sorry for putting you through all this but I have no choice.¨ Before I even had time to protest she was gone and  Will was back. 

¨Who are you?!¨ He growled but then looked confused. I sighed walking over to the counter to collect my sunclasses. ¨Lets get this over with.¨ I growled and then walked out the door. Let my new life begin. 

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