-Chapter 4-

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It's been 15 months since we came up with the plan. Our routines have been the same :

1. Wake up to Zack coming in making a commotion a to scare us causing Neve to take over then he walks away.

2. Talk to Neve, the same guy comes in and gives me porridge and water, I haven't had any solid food in months, I don't eat the porridge so I only drink 2 cups of water a day, I'm hungry but alive.

3. Get yelled at for being on the news, being reported as missing. I'm glad Cerenety and Dynasty came through. Well, this is what Neve tells me because every time its that time of the day we get beaten so Neve takes over and shuts me out.

4. Last glass of water then bed. And the same routine the next day.

I've actually been really weak because of my water only 'diet' and I've been sleeping for longer so Neve actually has to wake me up so that Zack doesn't. Neve on the other hand has been okay considering the circumstances. Whilst doing our daily routines we made observation when there are guard changes and when people where in the kitchen making breakfast/lunch/dinner and when who went in for snacks. It wasn't that hard considering they weren't exactly quite so we hear and smell what's going on. But today was different when Zack came in the morning he was acting weird he came in and made his normal threats but this time when Neve took over, he went and plucked a strand of her black hair and took out a knife and stabbed us in the left arm even though I got shut out I still felt the pain. Neve let out a yelp of pain. He then let out a sickening laugh, and after that left. Neve and I were terrified at what would happen next. We know its time for us to escape.

Neve gave me control and gave me the last of her energy. I immediately felt the change, I had more energy and didn't feel so weak, I stood up and broke the chains in half. Listening with my ear to the door if anyone was there I heard nothing so slipped I outside and made my way up the stairs carefully to not let the old wood creak. I made the corner and the door was right there, I made a run for it, I think the door was locked I'm not sure as I was running so fast and rammed the door down, I then ran through the forest as I was running I heard his howl I knew they knew I was escaping as I was running on my bare feet, I felt a small pinch in my leg, I ignored it and kept running.

I felt the grass under my feet............

The present

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I immediately backed away from the hospital door till I was against the wall. A man with black hair and midnight black eyes came inside, he was big and intimidating. This instantly made me think the worst and I tried backing away more but I was already against the wall. I slowly slide down the wall and curled my knees as close a possible up to my chest, I tried keeping a poker face but all the emotions I've kept bottled up over the last 15 months came crashing down, I lost it. My breathing became unsteady, my head started throbbing, my throat closed up, tears streaming down my face. I was petrified, angry sad, homesick, hopeless and longing for my sisters.

Williams POV

After the girl passed out Maddison and I walked towards her while discussing what we would do. "What do you and Travis think we should do?" Maddison asked me. "She needs to get to the pack doctor but seeing as how strong she is I'm gonna post guards outside her door to keep an eye on her." Maddison nodded in agreement. I picked her up and put her on my back, then transformed and ran to the Packhouse. Once we got to the Packhouse I immediately took snow white to the pack doctor because she was clearly losing blood. As I burst through the hospital doors with snow white in my arms, the doctors looked at me shocked but one finally responded, he called nurses to get a bed for her and they immediately took her into surgery.

Its been 6 hours since they took her into surgery and Travis has been anxious and I still hadn't figured out why. I saw them wheeling her out of surgery and into her recovery room. I immediately went to check up on her, the doctor said that she had a severe concussion and a few broken ribs. The wound in her arm was a stab wound and it hit her right in her muscle it wasn't that severe but would take time to heal, the bite on her right leg was from an alpha and had shattered her leg, it was a miracle that she continued to run for so long, because it was from an alpha it would heal at a slower than werewolf rate. She also was dehydrated and didn't have enough nutrition in her body. She had a bunch of old scars and bruises. What happened to her.

After checking up I had stayed the right in the chair beside her bed, I woke around 8 AM and decided to go get some coffee. After getting coffee I knocked on the door and went inside, and what I saw surprised me. Snow White was awake but once I entered she backed away against the wall, she looked absolutely petrified, she tried backing away more but she was already against the wall, she slowly started sliding down the wall and tears streaming down her face. She is having a panic attack. The beeping of the heart monitor sped up, Nurses came into the room and to sedate her but she took the needle and threw it out the window then punched the nurses. She flew against the wall I went to hold her down and try to calm her down, it broke my heart to see her like this but I had to do what was best for her. I ignored the sparks as I touched her. "Hey, hey your safe but you need to relax snow white or you'll just pass out again." I said and for some reason, she listened to me and started to relax. I picked her up and sat down on the big chair and let her lay on my lap while rocking her back and forth, she seemed to have calmed down completely. She snuggled closer to me and fell asleep. After she fell asleep on my lap I finally understood why Travis was so protective of her, she's my mate.


Word count 1170.

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