Chapter 16.

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Destiny POV.

I opened my eyes as I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. I tried moving my head but stop as a bulging headache was pressing against my skull. I closed my eyes again trying to suppress the pressure with no avail. "You need to take it easy." I heard a voice say and memories flashed through my mind. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I thought about my mate. I really needed my mate right now.

"Clare." My throat burned as I spoke and my voice was raspy. The edge of a glass pressed against my lips as I parted them slightly feeling cold water wet my dry throat. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times adjusting to the harsh light. I saw a face come into vision. Two blue eyes full of tears were looking right at me. "Oh Max, don't cry! I'm fine see." I pushed myself up ignoring the pressure that returned and pulled Max into my arms. I looked over at Clare and she didn't look any better.

Her eyes were red and puffy. She had new bruises covering her face. And blood on her shirt. I pulled Max back to see if she was hurt.

She now had a scar instead of a wound on her shoulder. I lifted her shirt to check if anything was broken after yesterday. She luckily only had bruises where it could have been much worse. "How are you two feeling?" I asked deciding that I have showed enough weakness in front of them already. If I showed to much they would lose hope of leaving and that is the last thing I want.

"My tummy and chest hurts." Max whimpered. "Your chest should stop hurting in a little bit and for your tummy your just going to have to ignore it for now. Maybe start counting the purple spots on your chest and ask your wolf nicely if she could maybe stop them from hurting." I was probably a bit harsh but I needed her to be strong right now.

She nodded and started counting. I turned my attention to Clare waiting for her answer. "My arm is broken and I have a bunch of bruises." She finally said."Do you have a headache? You were slammed down pretty hard yesterday." She shook her head and I felt relive wash over me. They were hurt but it could've been worse. I walked over to the pile of clothes and pulled on a shirt. I quickly cleaned the dirt. I tried reaching the dry blood on my back but stopped at the pain shot through my head again. Clare walked over to help. I handed her the cloth and she carefully cleaned my back. Once she was done she rinsed the cloth and place the cold rag against my forehead. The pain slowly started to settle. "Thanks." She nodded and then looked at me again. "How are you feeling?" I sighed. taking the cloth from her. "I'll manage." I answered, honestly not knowing what else to say. "That can't be your answer after yesterday. You can't just manage after what happened." She said looking me in the eye. "What do you want me to say?" I asked. She looked down not having a answer "I hated it! I want to leave! I want to be comforted by my mate! Every single thing they did to you was because of me! Everything hurts! I couldn't even protect Maxine! Because all of that is the truth but the truth isn't going to help us right now is it?" I snapped. I was shocked but it felt good to get that out of my system. But I felt bad for taking it out on Clarissa. "Clare I'm sorry." "Its okay I'm just glad you didn't let it bottle up. Otherwise you would've snapped on someone else." She chuckled. She hugged me and walked over to Max.

I walked back to the sink to wash my hands. I looked up and and right at myself through the broken mirror.

I had a burn mark around my throat from the silver, A black eye and blood running down my temple. I wiped it away not wanting Max or Clare to see it. I probably have a concussion. I turned away and walked over to Max and Clare who were having a very heated discussion if Pink or Purple was prettier. I leaned against the wall looking at them and it looked like Max, team pink was wining.

I closed my eyes and tried talking to Neve.

"Neve?" "Dess!" I whimpered at how loud she was. "Not so loud!" "Sorry.." "Were you able to reach Travis while we were sleeping?" I asked praying that she was. "I was. And I told them were we were and that were managing. I also told him the layout of the cabin and where guards were." "Thank you." I opened my eyes just in time as the basement door opened and Zack walked in.

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