-Chapter 15-

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In this Chapter Destiny gets tortured I don't physically describe it but Cole does. You have been warned. 

Destiny POV

I put Max down and made my way to the fragile Clarissa. Clarissa. She's alive. "Clare? Clarissa? Clare it's me Destiny." I sighed as she didn't even blink as I called her by her nickname. I walked back to Max and decided I would try to get her to sleep.

"Max come on. It's time to rest. You'll need all of your energy." I pulled her into my arms and started rocking her back and forth. Singing the melody I know she liked. "Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly, lavender's green."

I stopped when I noticed Max was sound asleep. I put her down on the pile of dirty rags. They didn't exactly smell pleasant but its better than the hard floor. I pulled out one of the Dirty T-Shirts and changed out of my hospital gown, pulling on the shirt.It made me want to puke but it was longer than the hospital gown and I could easily move around in it. I walked back to Clarissa and sat down in front of her.

I started humming the melody as I slowly moved my hand towards her. I moved some of her tangled and dirty blonde hair out of her face. She followed my movement with her eyes. I was relieved when I didn't see any fear in her beautiful green eyes. I rested my hand on her shoulder and moved my other hand to the other. I scooted forward and was now directly in front of her. She looked up at me and a gasp escaped my lips.

I pulled her into my arms and she started shaking but I refused to let go. She relaxed after a few seconds. I felt my shirt getting wet but I didn't care. I won't let any of them hurt her more or Max. I will protect them.

Her face was skinnier them mine. I didn't think it was possible. Her left eye is swollen shut and her other yellowish. Her lip had a gash and her face was full of scratches and blue bruises.

I helped her up and we walked to the small sink. I ripped off one of my sleeves and wet I it with water. I carefully cleaned the gash and wiped the blood and dirt from her face. I rinsed the cloth and wiped down her arms and legs. I got off most of the blood and dirt. I looked up at her asking for permission to take off her shirt to clean her stomach, chest, and back. She nodded and I lifted her torn shirt over her head. I fought the tears and unclasped her bra. I wiped down her stomach then moved over to her back. It was going to be harder because her wounds are fresh. She must've been whipped recently. I dapped around the wound and let some of the water drips into her wound trying to get them as clean as possible. I would heal her wounds but they need me conscious. I helped her around her breasts and then got another shirt for her that wasn't torn as bad.

When I got back she already had her bra back on. I handed her the shirt and she nodded gratefully. I rinsed the cloth again and placed the cold rag on her swollen eye.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I rushed and picked up Max handing her to Clare. She took her and ran back to the corner holding Max to her chest. I sat down with my back against the pillar. The handle of the door opened and Zack walked in. I stood up putting a fake smile on my face. "Zack! What a nice surprise! What brings you here?" I asked sweetly. "You better watch your tone mutt! Or I might just hurt one of those two." He pointed towards Clare and Max who are shaking in fear. I straightened my back and folded my arms over my chest putting on my emotionless mask once again.

"That's better. Now about you running away...." He walked forward and his fist collided with my face. I punched him back and kicked him in the ribs. He started laughing like the sick man he is. "I was hoping you would do that."

Two men rushed in and before I could do anything I felt a silver color around my neck. I couldn't stop the scream that left my mouth as the silver burned against my skin stopping me from reaching Neve.

I looked and felt helpless as one of the men pulled Clare up and held her in place as the other started punching. Punch after punch after punch. Max jumped and climbed on the man who was holding Clare and started clawing. He reached back throwing her off and against the wall. She laid there not moving. I heard a crack and saw Clare lying on the ground holding her arm screaming in pain.

"O-Okay! Do what you want with me! Leave them alone!" Zack pushed me against the wall and took out a knife. He smiled at me before trailing it down my cheek I bit my lip drawing blood as I tried not to scream. He then started trailing my arms and I couldn't help it. A cry of pain left my lip s before it was followed by another and another. My yells echoed off the walls as I begged him to stop. My throat beginning to dry out and only squeaks leaving my mouth I started losing hope. What if we're stuck here forever? Poor max is only 6. What happened to Clare is my fault.

I moved my head to look at the others, Clare was looking at me with horror holding the unconscious Max on her lap. Tears running down her face.

Zack turned me around and help my arms above my head as he started carving my back. I wanted to scream, cry, fight. But I just felt numb. One thought crossed my mind. Dilly Dilly.

William POV:

Everyone around the table looked at me shocked after I made my announcement. "Please." My voice cracked. "You all have mates. Imagine losing your mate." I hadn't realized I was crying till I tasted tears on my lips. "I can't even imagine Will dear. Of course, we will help." The Luna of the golden wood pack said her husband agreeing. "Thank You Jas-.." I stopped talking as I felt a sudden surge of pain in my cheek. Seconds later I fell out of my chair screaming as I felt like the skin on my neck was on fire. "Destiny!!" They're doing something to her. I kept hold of my neck and stood up. I looked over at Jackson. "She's being tortured! No! No! No! Please God no!" Jack pulled me into his arms as I started shaking. I felt tears fall but they weren't my own. My mates crying and there is nothing I can do. I felt my lips burning. The sensation moved down to neck then stomach and back up. "He going to. God please please no!" All of the Lunas we're around me as tears spilled. They know what I was talking about. Jack helped me up and we walked out of the meeting room. The Lunas followed and the Alphas and Betas stayed.

Halfway down the hallway, I felt an unbearable pain on my back. I fell to my knees clutching my stomach. Everyone just sat there knowing there was nothing we could do.

The torture on my back felt like it dragged on for hours and I only sought comfort in the two words repeating in my mind, In Destiny's mind. Dilly Dilly.

After it passed I got back up. And walked back to the meeting room. I was going to get my mate back and it was going to be soon. And I am going to make Zack pray he was never born.


Word count 1343.

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