1. Stan Lee

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Saturday, it was a normal day at your apartment. You were off of work for the next few days because of labor day weekend and you gratefully took the opportunity to chill. "You know, the only reason I love pointless holidays is because I get extra days off of work." You muttered, still zoned in on your movie.

Kyle nodded beside you before refocusing on the screen. Kyle was your typical California dude. Blonde hair, tan skin, sky blue eyes, the only thing he didn't have were abs. The two of you were best friends and TOTAL Marvel nerds. You were currently watching Avengers: Infinity War for the seventh time. 

It was about halfway through the movie and Tony had just me the Guardians, although something about the beginning was still bugging you. "See I don't think that Loki is actually dead." Kyle gave you a look like you were the dumbest person on Earth. His blue eyes blinked a few times before he forced his long body into a slouched sitting position. 

"Y/N, the Russos confirmed that all deaths in Infinity War were permanent." You rotated your body so that you could face him completely. "I know that but hear me out!" 

Kyle reluctantly paused the movie and braced himself for your rant. "So Loki is a Frost Giant, right?" Kyle nodded, glancing back to the frozen TV. "So if he were to die, he would turn back to his natural form. He would turn blue!" 

Kyle's blonde eyebrows furrowed. "I thought he used some technology to make him human?" You shook you head confidently. "Nope, he uses his magic. It's the same way he transformed himself into Captain America in Thor: The Dark World."

Kyle nodded but didn't seem completely convinced. "You know, you could just ask you grandfather." You cringed at his words. It's not that you didn't like your grandpa, but you wanted to keep the element of surprise.

"I could but that would take away the fun of it." Kyle nodded understandingly. "True. I just know that if my grandpa was Stan Lee, I would be driving him crazy with my stupid fan-boy questions."

You chuckled at your friend before clearing your throat. "Anyways, he was also gone for like 5 whole minutes while the Hulk fought Thanos. Plus he's the god of tricks and lies and he came at Thanos with a tiny dagger!" Kyle didn't seem swayed by your enthusiasm.

"Loki isn't that dumb and Marvel knows what they are doing. I highly doubt they would let a fact like his skin color slip under the radar."

Kyle sighed as he sunk further into your brown sofa. "I guess, but I still think he's dead." You shrugged and rested your elbow on the arm of the couch. Kyle started the movie before speaking. "Besides, Tom Hiddleston is getting kind of old."

You let out a dramatic gasp and slapped your hand against your chest. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!" Kyle screeched as you beat him with the nearest thing you could grab. In this case it was a throw pillow. "OKAY-Okay, I'm SORRY!!" He whined, covering his face with his hands. 

You pulled the pillow against your chest but kept your E/C eyes on him. The glare you were sending the poor man was sharp enough to kill. "Robert Downey Jr. is older than him and he's still Iron Man." You grumbled, adverting your eyes to the TV.

Kyle fixed his ruffled shirt and scoffed. "Not for long. He's gonna die in-" Before he could finish you had already resumed whacking him with your pillow. "STOP IT Y/N!!" Kyle screeched.

"NO!! YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT MY BABIES LIKE THAT AND EXPECT TO LIVE!!!" You growled, putting more power into your whacks. Kyle had had enough. He stole the pillow from you and grabbed your wrists. Although when he tried to clam you down you continued to flail your arms around like a drunk seal.

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