13. Malfunction

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You continued to try and wedge the door handle down in an effort to get the darn thing open. "Come on!" You growled, putting all of your body weight on it. Finally it bust open and you didn't hesitate to run back inside.

The white light took over your vision and when you could see again your heart nearly sprang out of it's chest. "HOLY-" Your body fell straight through the cloud below you and left an imprint of your flailing body. The city below you began to grow closer and closer the harder the air pushed against you. 

Although you got a great view of the skyline. All the orange and pink that you would usually see swirling amongst the clouds was right where you were. You shook that thought off and tapped into your coms system. "Guys can you hear me?!" You shouted above the raging wind around you.

"Y/N?" Teddy replied in confusion. "She's alive, are you hurt?" Tommy asked frantically. "Where are you?" Will asked followed by the sound of fingers typing on a keyboard. "I'm falling out of the SKY!!" You screamed, buildings getting bigger by the second.

"I'm on my way!" Tommy announced. "Wh-You don't even know where Y/N is!" Will called after his brother. "Uh guys the ground is getting REALLY close!" 

"Use your arms to make an x and them open your hands." Carol instructed. You pushed against the strong wind and did as told. The moment you opened your hands a protective Y/F/C shield appeared around you. "THIS SUIT IS AWESOME!" You screamed, making the people on the other end of the coms cringe. 

"Y/N collapse your shield." Tommy's voice instructed. "Are you crazy?" You shouted, looking around in disbelief. Then you saw a silver and green blur running towards you. You understood now, collapsed your shields and flipped around so that your feet were facing the Earth. 

In a zip of green and blew you were snatched out of the air and found yourself in the strong arms of a silver haired boy. "I'm crazy about you." He said, holding you tightly in his arms.

Despite the freezing air surrounding you, your heart warmed inside your chest. You couldn't look away from his perfect green eyes and the two of you soared through the air. He had one of his arms looped under your legs and the other wrapped around you back. You assumed you would land on a nearby rooftop but apparently Tommy had forgotten about the landing part of a rescue. 

In a painful thud, the two of you smashed into a metal traffic light. You both yelled in pain and flew in opposite directions. Just before you were going to become a pancake on the side of a building, a blue portal appeared out of nowhere to catch you. Will tossed you back and forth between a few portals to help slow you down before using one to send you into his arms. 

He caught you in his arms and helped you stand on your feet. "Are you nuts?! You could have killed her!!" Will scolded his brother, who was still laying on the sidewalk. The silver haired boy groaned as he stood up. He did a weird thing with his shoulder  that released a loud pop before speaking. 

"Calm down, Will, I had everything under control!" Tommy assured, although he looked as though he was ignoring blaring pain. "Under control?!" Will growled, leaving your side to go nose to nose with his brother. He used his blue magic to make himself levitate and flare his cape angrily. "You had no control over the situation whatsoever! You were reckless and stupid and impulsive and were not thinking about Y/N's safety!!"

"That's the only thing I was thinking about!" Tommy argued, standing on his tip toes to get closer to his levitating brother. You cut off their arguing with a sharp yelp of pain. Both brothers were instantly at your side. "What's wrong?" They said in unison, then shared the same annoyed glare. 

"I think I broke a rib." You said through gritted teeth, leaning against the nearest building for support. "No, Thomas broke your rib." Will corrected, scooping you into his arms. He was very careful not to touch your rib cage as he held you the way Tommy held you a few moments ago. 

Will created a portal to the emergency room back on the island and quickly stepped through it. He placed you on the table and gave your hand a small squeeze. "Wait right here, I'll be back with Samantha Banner." With that he fell through the floor into one of his portals.


You sat there awkwardly on the table as the woman who looked as if she was in her late twenty's looked over your x-rays. She had deep brown skin and just barely tamed curls atop her head. Wire framed glasses sat on the edge of her nose and a white lab coat was resting just below her knees. "Well it looks like you broke the fifth rib on your left side and fractured the sixth one just below it."

You looked up from the floor and looked down at the ice pack you were holding on the side of your still throbbing rib cage. "If you ice that regularly and limit your physical activity it should be healed in a little under six weeks." She informed in her deep and raspy voice. 

"Thank you, I'm assuming you're adopted?" You said, changing the subject because her relationship with Bruce was all you had been thinking about the whole time. The woman smiled kindly before speaking.  "I am, William warned me that you might get hooked on the fact that I'm Bruce Banner's daughter."

You giggled nervously but instantly regretted it once you felt pain ripple inside your rib cage. "So-so can you hulk out?" Samantha shook her head. "I'm just an ordinary doctor." You nodded in understanding. 

"Let me know if you get light headed or feel like your left lung is on fire." She said before leaving the room. "Wait-WHAT!?" You brushed off the fear and decided you would try to walk around a bit. 

You pushed yourself off the table and held the ice pack against your rib cage as you stretched your sleeping legs. Suddenly a coo breeze ran into the room as Tommy appeared out of nowhere. 

He gently picked you up in his arms and slowly brought you back over to the table. "Rest, I don't want you hurting yourself." He said softly, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. "A little late for that." You joked, although when he didn't smile you could tell he wanted to talk about something serious.

You were both still wearing your super suits when he laced his gloved fingers through yours. "I'm really sorry about this. My brother was right but I never meant for you to get hurt, honestly. I care about you, even if I don't always act like I do." He said quietly, unable to look you in the eyes. 

You put your fingers under his chin and tilted his head up so that you could see his electric green eyes. "I know you do. I care about you too." A moment of silence passed between the two of you. When it was so quiet you could hear the beating of his heart inside his chest it happened. 

Before you could process, Tommy had his lips on yours and his hands on your back. You responded quickly and cupped his face as you kissed him back. When you stopped, you pulled away in shock. "That was-" You stopped when you were at a loss for words. 

You were surprised at yourself for doing something so unlike you. Usually if a guy tried to kiss you like that you would push him away and slap him across the face but Tommy was different. 

"It was wonderful." Tommy finished for you, nothing but a pure adoration in his eyes. You smiled and landed a peck on the tip of his nose. "Consider yourself forgiven." Will's silver eyebrows raised at your words. "Just like that?"

You nodded. "Just like you."

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