17. Trip The System

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You sat on the table in the conference room with your legs dangling off the glass. You had just finished catching everyone up on what happened. "So... Anyone have any ideas?" You asked, looking around the room at your teammates. Everyone was in casual clothes but they were their super hero colors. 

The captain stood by the door, scratching her chin with a frown on her face. The young adults around me all had concerned looks on their faces and no one spoke a word. Your eyes landed on Tommy bitterly, you weren't even sad anymore you were just angry. Although you anger softened when Will sent you a sympathetic smile. 

"Is there any way we can enter your world, can't Y/N summon a door?" Teddy asked hopefully, but Kate shut him down. "Delta stripped Y/N of the ability to summon doors, were you not listening?"

Teddy's face hardened at the rude tone in Kate's voice. "I was just double checking, I didn't know if Y/N still had a little bit of energy still inside of her brain or something." At is words Tommy let out a scoff. "Yeah, she might have a sliver of energy left in one of her cells!" 

"See, we could use that!" Teddy exclaimed. "So we're gonna send one of Y/N's cells to save the entire world...? Solid plan, Teddy." Kate said as she face palmed herself. "At least he suggested something." America said, trying to defend her friend.

The four of them entered into a fit of bickering while you, Carol, and Will sat by and watched. But the sounds of their arguing faded away as the cogs inside your head began to spin. They cranked out ideas and proofread plans until the perfect solution was formed inside your brain.

"Red Kryptonite." You mumbled, causing everyone in the room to  go silent out of confusion. "What?" Carol asked on behalf of the room. "We need red Kryptonite!" You said again but this time with a smile. When they still didn't understand you frowned and waved Will over. 

"Help me walk over to the white board." You instructed, and he did as was told. You leaned on him for support and your hands began writing things on the board with dry erase markers. "In the Superman story line, Kryptonite is his only weakness. His arch nemesis, Lex Luthor, manufactures something called red Kryptonite to weaken him because natural Kryptonite is extremely hard to get a hold of. The red Kryptonite doesn't work exactly like natural Kryptonite because it's man made but it gets the job done because it basically turns Superman evil and that makes Superman do Lex's job for him." You explained, making clicks in your teammate's brains.

"Are you saying we should make our own electromagnetic energy?" Carol asked, earning a nod from you. "How would we summon a door?" Kate asked. "Someone would need to go back to Delta's lair, if the door is still there then they need to watch it to make sure it doesn't disappear but if it's gone then we're out of luck."

"I'm on it!" Tommy said before zipping out of the room. He was back in a second accompanied by a large gust of wind. "It's still there, I can watch it if you guys want to get to work on that fake energy."

"Can you bring back all of Delta's research, her family has been studying it for a while and we could use it to help us create the fake energy." Will asked, earning a nod from his brother. In a whoosh, Tommy was back with books and computers galore. "Have fun nerds, I'm going to go stare at a door!" He said with a salute, then he was off.

"Great, the team and myself will get to work on creating the fake energy, Y/N, you should get some rest." Carol ordered. You looked at Will skeptically but he gave a nod. "You've been through a lot today and if we're going to save the world you need time to heal."

You nodded before Will helped you to your bedroom. You crawled under your covers as Will left before you spoke. "Will." The boy in the red cape turned around with a hit of concern in his eyes. "Yeah?" You hesitated before smiling. "Thank you."

The young man smiled before speaking. "You're welcome."


You woke up with a light shake on the shoulder and you instantly pushed away whoever was trying to pull you out of your sleep. "Wake up Y/N, we finished it." You forced open a single eyelid to see a blurry shape that resembled Teddy. "Finished what?" I mumbled, unable to remember anything because I was still wishing I was sleeping. 

"The fancy energy that we need to pass into your world." The blonde said with confusion in his voice. "Oh yeah." You mumbled, rubbing your eyes as you sat upright. "You look like you slept hard." Teddy commented as he took a seat at the foot of your bed. 

"I had a thick nap." You mumbled in response, stretching your arms above your head. "Ah, I see." Teddy commented, looking around your room awkwardly. You narrowed your eyes at the man skeptically. "Do you know what a thick nap is?"

"No, I do not." Teddy admitted with a chuckle. You laughed before wiggling out of the covers. "Could you help me walk to the control room? I'm still kind of sore." The blonde nodded before looping your arm around his neck and holding your back.

Once you got to the lab you saw six pink jewels with pins attached to them. You left Teddy's side and wobbled over to the devices. "These are them?" You asked the group. "Yep, they should work for getting us through to your world." Will answered.

"The six of you will take one and pin it to your suits. Once you're on the other side you will work together to put an end to Delta's rein." Carol instructed, passing out the pins. "Y/N said that red Kryptonite wasn't exactly like green Kryptonite... What happens if we don't make it through, or get stuck halfway?" America asked.

Everyone looked to you, and you felt a bead of sweat drip down your forehead. "We either take that risk, or sit back and let Delta take over the entire world." You concluded, feeling like Steve Rogers. 


You were all dressed in your super suits and standing in front of the metal door. "Here we are." Kate muttered before letting the room fall into complete silence. "You go first." Kate said, giving you a light push from behind.

"What-Why me?!" You squealed, jumping away from her. "Cause you're the one who doesn't really belong here." Kate answered with a shrug. "We should all go at the same time, that way we all make it through together." America announced.

"Or we all die together." Will added, earning a sigh from his brother. "Great, I'm gonna die among the biggest idiots in the galaxy." Tommy muttered in a bored tone. "I understood that reference, but no one is going to die!" You exclaimed.

"Great, prove it!" Kate exclaimed before opening the door and pushing you through it. Before you disappeared, you grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her in with you. The two of you were blinded by white light with random flashes of pink. 

Volts of electricity sparked around you and tickled your spine. The door spit you out onto the floor of the underwater cave. Kate landed on your ribcage and the two of you continued to feel zaps and volts from the pink lightning circling you two.

You pushed your teammate off your chest before sitting up with your hair looking like Frankenstein. You giggled when a sour faced Kate sat up next to you. "You look like Albert Einstein." You giggled, poking the static on top of her head. 

The woman just glared at you before using you to stand up. "When do you think the others will come through?" You asked, getting yourself on your feet. Right as the words left your mouth, the other four team members were spit out along with static electricity. 

"Right about now." Kate said, stepping away from the twitching humans. Once they all calmed down you all stood in a circle. "Well I think we succefully avoided any side effects." You said with a smile. 

"I'm not so sure about that." Tommy muttered, holding up his hands. When you counted them you noticed he had an extra finger. That wasn't the worst of it, you looked over to Kate and saw a spiked black tail growing from her lower back. 

"Kate you *RIBBIT* have a *RIBBIT* tail!" America said, shocked when frog noises came from her throat. "And you're a frog!" Teddy said, brushing his long blonde hair out of his face. Without you guys noticing, his hair had grown to the length of three Christmas trees. 

You and Will shared the same wide eyed expression. "Well this is unfortunate."

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