20. Escape With Deadpool

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You woke up in a squished position, leaning against something cold. When you pried open your eyes you saw that you were moving on some kind of transport. You pushed yourself to your feet inside your glass container. Your teammates were beside you in matching glass boxes. 

Will was in the box next to you, levitating slightly. Kate was right behind you, laying down in her box with her feet and tails kicked up on the side of the glass. America was behind her with Teddy next to America and Tommy was in the middle of Teddy and Will. 

"What happened?" You mumbled, voice a little froggy. "We got captured and put in these glass milk cartons." Tommy answered. "Those robots put some kind of dampener on our head and theoretically we could take them off if our hands weren't cuffed behind our backs." Will added. 

"As far as plans go, I would have to say that Y/N's was the worst of all time." Kate said, glaring up at you. "Maybe this is good, I mean, we're heading up to Delta so we won't have to search for her in chains."

"Yes but have you ever heard of heroes defeating super powerful villains with handcuffs on and no powers?" Teddy asked, squished inside his glass box in his regular Skrull/Kree form. "Well no but I don't have any powers. I'm sure we'll figure something out." You assured, making the mistake of looking out the widow at the city below. 

You saw a silver dome that was bolted all the way around with robots dragging people inside. "You think that's the junkyard?" America asked. You felt tears sting your eyes and you shrugged. "Who knows, maybe it's just a place to get coffee?" You offered, not wanting to believe your eyes. 

You quickly turned around and sent Will a small smile which he returned. It wasn't long before something that resembled the Empire State building came into view. Although several walls had been ripped out and there was an electric energy surging on the top. The bus you were attached to started driving straight up the side of the building. 

You went to hold onto something but the cuffs binding your wrists made that impossible. You all were laying flat against the glass behind you but Kate was in a not so fun position because she was now laying on her head. "Ow, this is really hurting my cat ears!" She groaned, trying to reposition her body. 

She wiggled her head over and over until the device on her head popped off. "Hey, the thing on your head is gone!" You said, rolling over onto your stomach so you could see her better. "Great, but I don't have any powers and I'm still stuck on my head!" 

"I told you not to lay down like that." Tommy scolded like a mom. "Shut up." Kate growled, wiggling enough so that she was now laying on her shoulders and upper back. "Oh, oh, you are making progress!!" You cheered, wanting to clap your hands together.

Kate froze for a moment to throw both of her tails into the glass that was separating you two. You jumped in your place and fear struck your heart when you saw that she not only crack her side of the glass but spider webbed your side of the glass. You rolled back onto you back but in the process you saw Will on his belly rubbing his forehead against the glass. 

"What are you doing?" You asked. "I'm trying to get this off so I can break us out of here!" He said, stress clear in his tone. Will popped the device up just as the bus reached the top of the building. 

He used his magic to create a portal and travel through the glass separating you two, grabbed you in his arms, and jumped through the glass box with you protected in his cape. He floated in the air a moment before the two of you fell through one of his portals. 

You landed, still in Will's arms, in the broken rafters of the ceiling. Will made sure you were both standing in the biggest shadow and had his cape wrapped around the two of you like it was a magic blanket that would protect you from all harm. You went to question him but Will covered your mouth before you could speak and gestured to the bus below. 

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