22. Happy Ending

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You arrived at the beach and didn't waste a moment before you sprinted over to the water's edge, kicking up clouds of sand as you went. "Where are you going?!" Kyle yelled at you. "I have to say goodbye before I fix this!" You yelled in response before diving into the water. The heavy armor you had on made it easy for you to sink to the bottom of the icy sea. Even during the day it was black. 

You reached the part where reality was flipped upside down and clawed your way back into oxygen. When you landed on the hard floor of the cave you quickly recovered, ran past all the papers, ignored the blood from where Deadpool had been spit out, and ran into the Marvel universe.

When the white faded from your vision you found yourself on the shore of the island. The tower was still standing but outside in the grass you saw a small grave. When you made your way up the lawn you stopped to read the name engraved into the stone. 'Carol Danvers', your captain. You stopped to put a hand over your heart and take a moment to grieve. "She wasn't here when we got back." A familiar voice said.

You turned around to see Will leaning on one of the glass doors, red cape and all. "It's not like you missed the moment." He finished, sad smile finding his mouth. "How long was I gone?" You asked, stepping towards him. 

"Long." Will answered, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I'm sorry... Where's the team?" Will snapped his fingers and they all fell out of the sky from their own individual portals. You saw America first so you went over and hugged her first. "I'm going to miss you."

She hugged you back before speaking. "This isn't goodbye." You frowned before walking to hug Teddy. "It is. I've decided to destroy the bridge between the worlds so that nothing like this can happen again."

Teddy was sad when you pulled away. Tommy was next but you did not hug him, instead you struck him across the face with your hand. "OUCH!" The boy whined, turning away like a wounded dog who was about to lick his wounds. You skipped Kate because you had something very special for her at the end. Plus, she would most likely stab you in the back with an arrow. 

You went to Will, gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He was blushing when you pulled away. You summoned a door on the ground and stood back for a moment to take a mental picture of all these people. "I don't have a super long speech that will make you cry or anything like that but I do want to make sure that you guys know that you have become my family. You all mean so much to me and I'm only doing this because like a super hero, I need to save the world and not myself."

You paused to sigh, already thinking about all the moments you shared with these people. "Without further ado, I bid you all ado." You said with a salute as you kicked the metal door on the ground open. "Kate, do you want to do the honors?" You asked, evil smirk coming across the black haired woman's face.

"You don't have to ask me twice." She said before getting a running start. Just before she was about to run at you, you spoke up. "Wait wait, I'm sorry I just have one more thing I have to do." You explained before pointing a finger at Will and making his cape disappear. 

He let out an offended gasp as he tried to cover himself as if he was naked. "I'm sorry, it's just gross, get a new cape!" You said with a shrug. "Now we're good." You said, gesturing to Kate. After a moment of anticipation, Kate full on sprinted at you and pushed you through the door.

The white light took over your vision for what would be the last time. You landed in the cave and sadly stood on your feet. Holding out both hands, you pointed one at each door and shot each one with your powers until they faded out of existence. 

You smiled at where the door to the Marvel universe once stood and a silent tear slid down your left cheek. "Some things need to stay fiction." You said to yourself before you left the cave. You swam through the black water until you reached the surface.

From there you let your body glide along the top of the water before walking onto the shore. You used your magic on yourself to do something out of the little mermaid. As the water dripped from your clothes and hair, the super hero suit you were wearing turned into a blue dress that faded into white at the skirt. 

You smiled at Kyle who was standing patiently on the shore. Without exchanging any words, you went up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. The two of you stood on the beach, watching the sun set before you got into his car, and made your way back to your apartment.

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