11. Tables Have Turned

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A freezing cold splash of water woke you from your once pleasant sleep. You let out a small scream before blindly trying to claw your way out of the water stained covers that bound you to the mattress. I few giggles were heard before you finally opened your E/C eyes.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Kate hissed, placing the empty bucket on your bedroom floor. "Wh-What's going on?" You shivered, moving a few ice cubes away with your hand. "The tables have turned my human friend." Teddy replied, bulky biceps crossed over his chest. 

"That's right." America chanted with a half accent. "We will be training you today!" Will clarified, red cape flowing slightly behind him. You looked between the faces in front of you in fear, their evil grins were making your stomach churn. Although all Tommy did was give you a wink but you could still see mischief in his eyes!





"CAROL!!!!" You screamed, making a sprint for her office. By some miracle you managed to run past them all and up the long flights of stairs to her office. Once you got there you kicked the door thinking it would fall down only to be met with a throbbing pain in your ankle. 

"Ouch-ow-OW!" You muttered, limping as you opened the door like a normal person. "How can I help you?" The blonde asked without even looking up from her papers. You went to speak but then a brand new question filled your head. 

"What do you even read on those things anyways? It's not like you have any mission reports to go over or bills to the city to pay." Carol shook her head before closing the manila folder on her desk. "What do you need Y/N?"

"Oh right the-the team thinks that THEY get to train ME today, HA! Can you just tell them that it's a normal training day where I do the teaching stuff?" You asked, heart still pounding inside your freezing body. 

"She already signed off on it Y/N." America said from behind you. You reluctantly turned around to see the entire team smirking in the doorway. "You did?" You asked, earning a nod from Carol.

"I did and I think this is a great idea because you have never been trained as a super hero. This will also give you a good opportunity to be reminded that you can learn things from everyone. Even your students." A cringy smile graced your lips at her words.

"And it was at that moment that the students became the teachers." Kate said ever so eerily. 


You had gotten yourself dried off and had your H/C hair in a high pony tail. Workout clothes clung to your body and you braced yourself for whatever torture they were about to throw at you. The team had decided to split up your training so that they would each teach you separately for an hour. Your first trainer was Teddy. 

"Alright we are just going to start with some basic warm ups." He assured as he lowered himself onto the floor of the gym. "Sounds good cause I am way out of shape." You exclaimed, lowering yourself to the ground beside him. 

He instantly began cranking out pushup after pushup with perfect form. You eyes went wide and you began to worry if you would survive the day. "We're going to go to 30 then move on to some crunches." He told you, not even breaking a sweat.

You shook off your shock and started to do pushups of your own. You got yourself into the right position and lowered yourself so that you were hovering above the ground. "One... Two... ThrEE... FOUR... F-FoUr aNd a hALf!" You tried to push yourself up into the fifth one but your muscles gave out and you can face to face with the floor. 

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