18. I Am Batman

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You and Will stared at your teammates as you both tried not to laugh. "This is  bad and all, but you guys look ridiculous!" You said with a giggle at the end. All of them frowned at you before looking back at their mutations. 

"It's not *RIBBIT* funny!" America pouted, quickly covering her mouth when she finished. "I thought about flipping you two off but my hand has an even amount of fingers so there is no middle finger." Tommy seethed, flailing his hand in your face.  

"I look like Rapunzel." Teddy grumbled as he struggled with all of his hair. "I have a tail growing from my a-" Before Kate could finish Will cut her off. "As much as we would like to keep listening to you guys complain about your deformities, we really need to get going."

You nodded and you started following your team to the exit of the cave. Although something pulled inside your heart and you turned around to see the door opposite to the one you were spit out of, the door to the DC world.

"Hey guys... I have an idea." You started, evil smirk growing on your lips. The team turned around with confusion on their faces. "I know they are inferior but what if we get help from the DC super heroes?"

The cave went while the team exchanged glances. "Do we even have time?" Teddy asked, earning a nod from Will. "Just like the our world is faster then Y/N's, the DC world is slower than Y/N's." The caped man explained. 

"How much *RIBBIT* slower?" America asked. "A lot slower!! We could be in there for seconds and days would pass out here." Will answered, making your eyes go wide. "So is the whole thing like time zones? Like how it can be noon in Washington but it's already two in Texas?" Tommy asked.

"Exactly like that, just very different time schedules." His brother answered. "So great but even if we risk going inside, how are we going to get out of that world?" Kate asked sourly. "As long as Delta hasn't entered that world, I should be the first one to go through the door and command it like I used to be able to. Then you guys could follow after me, who knows, maybe your deformities will go away." You said.

"So are *RIBBIT* we in *RIBBIT* agreement, we're *RIBBIT* getting backup*RIBBIT*?" America asked, hint of worry in her brown eyes. "If these people can actually help us take down Kelda then I think it's a risk we should take." Will concluded, earning a nod from your teammates. 

"Sounds like a plan but what do I do with all this hair?" Teddy asked, completely covered in the golden locks. "Wear it like a scarf." You said before walking over to the metal door. Your fingers rested on the handle before you gave it a pull. Once you stepped inside, pitch black overtook your vision.

You landed on what felt like dirt but it was still hard to see. You heard several thumps behind you and assumed it was your teammates. "Teddy, get off my tail!!" Kate growled, followed by a girlish scream from Teddy. 

"It's so *RIBBIT* dark in *RIBBIT* this world, *RIBBIT* I can't *RIBBIT* even see *RIBBIT* anything!" America's voice said. "Where even are you guys?" You asked, beginning to feel around with your fingers. Suddenly out of nowhere a large weight smacked into you. 

You were knocked onto the dirt and something heavy landed beside you. "What was that?" You grumbled, head still spinning. "My bad." Tommy said from next to you. When you opened your eyes you saw that Will was creating a blue glow of light with his powers. You went to express your gratitude but then you saw Tommy frowning at his hands. "Great, now I have an extra finger on two hands!" 

"Kate..... Your ears..." Teddy said, long hair wrapped around his neck and draping down his shoulders. You looked to the black haired woman to see not only a spiked black tail but also two black cat ears atop her head. 

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